About Me

So if you’ve been checking in on this blog of mine for a while (let’s be real though I’m not that interesting am I?) you would know quite a bit about the stuff I do, but not as much about who I am. So that’s what I’m doing today. This page is to help you understand who the strange kid writing this stuff is.

The best way to show you who I am is for you to watch a short little animated video, so how convenient is it that I actually have one for you?! Seriously though, you should watch this and then whatever I write below will make a lot more sense.

So now you’re probably wondering “Well what do all those little icons mean?” Well, I’m gonna explain them. Basically (as you’ve probably figured out) they represent something about me. The GB flag for example represents the fact that I am of British descent, a lot of it in fact. I was the first person in my whole family to be born in Canada so as you can imagine my lifestyle is pretty Britishly influenced. The mountain bike shows that mountain biking means a lot to me and is something I hold very dearly. It’s one of my favorite things to do and I felt like it deserved a place in this ultimately meaningless video (I’m only joking Ms. Willemse).

Another thing you may have seen is the city icon. That is there to represent my love for the city. I spend a lot of my early years downtown in Vancouver and I really appreciate a good day out in the city and it also represents the influence that pop culture has on me. The last one I’m going to explain is the clock. This one means the most (apart from my family of course). It represents the idea that time is always something in the back of my mind. No matter what is going on, time is always something I am thinking about.

So I hope you made it through that I know I myself am annoying let alone the stuff going on inside my head. Also shoutout to GarageBand band for the fire beats next time I write on this blog thing imma be a DJ just watch. Bye.



  1. Merry Beau November 7, 2018 - 12:15 PM Reply

    Hi Daniel, I enjoyed your piece about yourself. I liked your choice of images. You are cleverly anonymous in them, which is bright in terms of internet safety and your digital footprint.

    My name is Merry Beau and I am a commenter from the Student Blogging Challenge.

    I teach children between the ages of 4 and 12 and I am from Ireland. Here is a link to our class blog

    My class and I have done the student blogging challenge in the past and enjoyed it.

    Well done on your widgets. I think they add another aspect to a blog. If you get a chance you could put up the Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2018. The instructions for doing that are here: http://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/2018/10/01/badges/

    It would be lovely to hear back from you. You could leave a comment on our class blog.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

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