A Story Of Progression

With the current state of the world and the lifestyle we have all felt, I finally have an excuse for that feeling of time passing at strange speeds. On one hand, its ridiculous to think Im headed in to grade 12, my final year at high school, but on the other hand, my god does…

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Safety Is Number 1 Priority

A crucial part of growing up, and an aspect to life that I have recently been introduced more to, is the workplace. As a high school student, getting a job is on my mind, and over the past few weeks in Maker class, I have learned a lot that will keep me safe and aware…

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Thinking Ahead…

For the past few weeks, we’ve been focusing on something a little different in Maker: Career Life Education – or CLE for short. As it’s name entails, this short unit is cantered around learning about future career and life opportunities. To do this however, we first need to learn more about ourselves, in order to…

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Destination Appreciation

If you’re an avid reader of the bustling internet metropolis that is this blog of mine, you would be familiar with Destination Imagination and the various times I have done it. This year was set to be the last year we were ‘forced’ in to doing it, and now looking back, I have mixed feelings. …

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Destination Aviation

As Spring Break is coming to a close, its once again time to highlight what went down in the stages leading up to, and at, Destination Imagination Regionals. I have written multiple posts about DI in the past, and they all exhibit the same feelings towards the event; I never look forward to it, but…

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Food, Filming, and Freezing Fingers

As part of our Cray Cray Yay Yay unit, PLP 10 took a trip down to Seattle to explore what it had to offer in terms of craziness. From crazy mindsets to crazy innovation, this city just south of us had everything we could have asked for to help us get a grasp at what…

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I Been Cooking In The Stu

An important part of filmmaking is music, and what better music to use than your very own! This is why in Maker we have been working on getting better at using GarageBand to understand music and to practice making our own. I have never really learned how to use GarageBand, I tried teaching myself in…

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Filming Some Footy

After completing a plethora of videos with predominantly set requirements, I was looking forward to working on something with a little bit more creative freedom. So as you can imagine, I was pleasantly surprised when we were given our next assignment and it was yet another video but this time had a lot more room…

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