Girl Power

After the longest ten weeks of my life, that’s a wrap! The first quarter of this crazy school year is complete, and that means that so is the first half of PLP 12. Somehow, I made it out and am alive to tell the tale, so here goes. As you would know if you frequent…

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A Story Of Progression

With the current state of the world and the lifestyle we have all felt, I finally have an excuse for that feeling of time passing at strange speeds. On one hand, its ridiculous to think Im headed in to grade 12, my final year at high school, but on the other hand, my god does…

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How I’m A Poet And Didn’t Even Know It

To finish off the first term, PLP 11 completed a unit combining Star Wars with poetry, guided by the driving question: How can we use poetry to reflect our perspectives on people, places, issues and beliefs? Our goal for the project was to learn how this question can be answered through learning about the poets…

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Drinking The Kool-Aid

Just over four weeks ago, PLP 11 dove in to the topic of tribalism, and it’s implications on our world today. Guided by our driving question: “What is the role of tribalism in society?”, we quickly set to work learning and forming our opinions on the topic. To compliment and extend our learning of tribalism,…

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Our Beautiful Backyard

The best field study to date, PLP 10’s Trip around B.C. was truly an experience I will never forget. There were so many amazing aspects to this trip that amazed me, however there was one in particular that inspired me more than anything; the natural beauty.  B.C. is world-famous for its natural attractions, but as…

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Safety Is Number 1 Priority

A crucial part of growing up, and an aspect to life that I have recently been introduced more to, is the workplace. As a high school student, getting a job is on my mind, and over the past few weeks in Maker class, I have learned a lot that will keep me safe and aware…

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Thinking Ahead…

For the past few weeks, we’ve been focusing on something a little different in Maker: Career Life Education – or CLE for short. As it’s name entails, this short unit is cantered around learning about future career and life opportunities. To do this however, we first need to learn more about ourselves, in order to…

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Telus vs. Rogers

In scimatics, we just finished the second part of our linear equation project; Cell Phone Systems. After concluding Flow Like Water, it was time to expand our knowledge of linear equations by solving with equations. The driving question for this unit was How can we use systems of equations to determine the least expensive cell…

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Destination Appreciation

If you’re an avid reader of the bustling internet metropolis that is this blog of mine, you would be familiar with Destination Imagination and the various times I have done it. This year was set to be the last year we were ‘forced’ in to doing it, and now looking back, I have mixed feelings. …

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Destination Aviation

As Spring Break is coming to a close, its once again time to highlight what went down in the stages leading up to, and at, Destination Imagination Regionals. I have written multiple posts about DI in the past, and they all exhibit the same feelings towards the event; I never look forward to it, but…

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