Filming Some Footy

After completing a plethora of videos with predominantly set requirements, I was looking forward to working on something with a little bit more creative freedom. So as you can imagine, I was pleasantly surprised when we were given our next assignment and it was yet another video but this time had a lot more room…

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I’m Gonna Need A New Bucket List

More of a vacation than anything, PLP’s latest “field study” was a good time, needless to say. In between the driving, and the constant exhaustion, were many experiences I really hope I remember for a long time. From escaping the ‘Locked Room’, to riding a boat in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever…

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My Home And Native Land

If you’re not from Canada your answer to the following question will most likely be “Maple syrup, hockey, and igloos”, but for those of you who are, do me a favour. Ask yourself “What does Canada mean to me?” Freedom, nature, expensive housing? It’s different for almost everyone. When it comes down to it though,…

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2016 Was Only Practice

For most, looking back on the year 2016 is disappointing, a year that we wish we could have skipped. Beginning with the death of music legend David Bowie and book-ended with Carrie Fisher, 2016 seemed pretty bad from start to finish. The thing is though, for all we know, 2017 may be just as bad….

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