Hi welcome to my blog today I will be talking about more wood-burning today I will be talking about what I think about while making a piece. And some of the processes of making a piece. At the very start of making something I first have to figure out an idea, I start by thinking about something I like mostly animals or something a bit stupid and funny also possibly cute. Once I have a picture of what I want to make I draw it out on paper to get a sketch down then I refine it to a clean drawing then I trace it onto the wood. Now the fun part burning, I will be talking about some things that are wood-burning exclusives to think about. One of the things that are most present in my mind is if the design I drew is in my skill range for burning because I need to be able to make the design on the wood and this time it would have details it didn’t on the sketch, like shading and actual depth to the piece so I need to be able to do. Then finally after finishing the burning the piece is done unless I want to paint it but otherwise it is finished.