Hi and welcome to my blog today I will be talking about quite a lot of things. Because it is for a presentation where I have to go over the work I did over the year and how I could’ve grown, and compare my learning plan to how I am right now, now let’s start.

Learning plan

Here’s my learning plan and so far I think I’m doing quite well for what I was aiming for. First ill go over the communicating section. I think I’m almost nailing this section as you can see I in short want to be able to communicate what I want in a good manner. I also want to be able to contribute and help in group projects and I think I am doing both of those well or even better than I aimed for originally. A good example of both of these is my outsiders project because I used my communication to present and I helped out by helping quite a lot throughout the project. Now time to discuss the thinking part of it, I think I am doing good for this part as well I think I can gain ideas and incorporate them for sure now but for the other one I kinda still suck at asking questions but otherwise, I’m good at using my observations and experiences to make judgements. Now the final section personal and social. For the first part, I think I can for sure take responsibility for my actions but the other part I’m a bit worse at. Now the second part yes I do this I am doing just fine. And finally, I can interact with others respectfully for sure I definitely feel like I am doing well on this part with others and the environment. Now that that part of this post is over time to talk about some subjects.


The projects that I have done in humanities are, the medium is the message, the outsiders and working with words. I think I did the best work in humanity’s when we did the outsiders project first off I thought that it was a super fun project and I really enjoyed the exhibition. Now I think I did a good job in many ways one was public speaking I thought I did a good job even though I was a bit nervous. How also everything was put together was exactly as I thought my group envisioned was nice as well.
Insert photo
an opportunity for growth I think would be my acting skills when presenting it to the exhibition in the outsider’s project.


in maker the projects I have done so far are becoming a PLP learner, constructing creative communication geek out blogs and destination imagination. A project I am proud of in this section would probably be
constructing creative communication Because a learned a lot of cool things and got to make things that I already find fun.
An opportunity for growth I think would be the geek out blog post because I was a bit behind so if I did it again I would try to keep up.


the scimatic projects that we have done are factions of your time, tectonic chances and, laser laws. I think that the tectonic chances project is a good example of my work because it was a cool concept made through good teamwork but was a bit too ambitious because it would have been a really cool game but we made it way too big and long to play but never the less it was very fun.
an opportunity for growth for scimatics would be making sure that everything is going to work and not take too long or break apart during the presentation of projects.


Disposition Habits and Systems


Here I will be going over the things in the photo above and reflecting on how I’m doing in the school year so far

my habit of thinking of something then doing it is going kinda ok because when I think of something 50 percent of the time I will do it but the other 50 I will do it after some time. I am trying to use some of the systems fun fact I am currently writing this on Grammarly, other than Grammarly I am also using other systems as well.

demonstrations of revision, teamwork, responsibility, and
production of high-quality work

A good example of this would be my advertisements for deep cove music because I had to do all the things above to do a good job

<=First draft                                               Second draft=>




<=Third draft forth draft=>






as you just saw I definitely did all that expect teamwork but I assure you that teamwork went into these.

The ending

I hope something here was interesting for you if not sorry

thanks for reading and goodbye
