Hi, welcome to my blog since you’re here I guess I should tell you about a new project I have been doing its called working with words where we make poems and learn, about poems to be able to construct texts that shows who we are. The final project of this project It’s a book of some of our poems which I’ll share later in this post.
add the start of the project I was sick actually for the first week but throughout the project, after the week that I was sick I figured out how some of the poems worked more than I did while I was sick but I still knew quite a few. in addition to making poems we had to study terms of poems and example of that would be imagery Imagery is, in short, the senses of an image. One of the most interesting parts of this project is that we had to share our poems with her classmates which I thought was quite fun. after we made and revised all our poems we started the book which I mentioned earlier, the book had to include all the poems, a biography, and complementary texts which are your text that add to the poem. the texts can be drawings or photos in quite a bit more I decided to do mostly drawings because I thought it suited my texts I’ll leave my book for you to check out here
After the book is finished we had to do something called the coffee House which most people probably already know what it is but if you don’t it’s just presenting poetry at a coffee house but since Covid, we had to do it online or people could join a meeting and listen to our poems which was really interesting my group for the coffee House was a sign to make three haikus and present them. Presenting them wasn’t that bad it actually was quite fun as well.
Thanks for reading goodbye
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