Hi and welcome to my blog today I will be talking about quite a lot of things. Because it is for a presentation where I have to go over the work I did over the year and how I could’ve grown, and compare my learning plan to how I am right now, now let’s start.
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Over the last few months in scimatics, we have been learning about the Pythagorean theorem which is a type of theorem used to measure angles
At the start of this project, I was quite confused because I honestly didn’t know pretty much anything about the topic
(here is a photo of a mind map I did at the start of the project)
Hi welcome to my blog today I will be talking about more wood-burning today I will be talking about what I think about while making a piece. And some of the processes of making a piece.
Hi and welcome to my blog again this is my 3rd geek out post (a challenge I’m doing) today I will explain wood burning a bit more in detail than the other post on.
Hi welcome to my blog! I will be doing something called the geek out blog challenge it’s a challenge where over the course of three weeks I will be making five posts about something I care about or just find fun. For my posts I will be talking about wood burning.
The driving question for this project was what can the outsiders teach us about worldview
Over the past week in class, I have been working on a project where I learn how to use drawing to communicate and show what I want to say. This post is a continuation of my past maker post about photography.
at the start of this project, I was pretty confident with my drawing skills but I still learned a lot from this project. One example of the things that I learned or improved is my ability to shade 3D objects. we did an exercise to shade objects
Over the past few weeks i have been working on in class taking photos. Why, you might ask, Because we where learning how to take photos to represent emotion and to communicate it was a really fun project because one of my favorite things is taking photos so learning tips for it was very interesting. When we started I was pretty confident in my photo taking skills and was happy when we went on photo walks to try new things. My favorite photo from the project would be.
For the last month and a have in our classes we have been working on a project called tectonic chances where we have to make a game using 10 key concepts of tectonic plates.
Dylan Wooles
Over the past few weeks we have been working on a project where we are trying to be able to question things we see, and hear in the world around us.