Having fun with Atoms!

Our First Science Project!

For our first science project we learned about Atoms! We did many worksheets such as “States of Matter” and “Split Screen Protocol” where we learned about when people discovered the atom and how people discovered what it looked like.

Black box

We did an activity called “the black box” in this activity we were given a small container that was covered with black tape so we couldn’t see inside, we were also not allowed to open the lid. We were given a bunch of materials and then we had to recreate what we thought was in the black box by using are senses to guess what was inside.

How can we communicate our knowledge of atoms in a fun and creative way?

As we went further into learning about atoms our first project was introduced…We had to make a video game!!!😁 This sounded super cool to me and I had lots of ideas for my video game! We had to make our video games about what we had learnt about the atom. The website we used to make our video game is called scratch. Scratch is a website where you can make games and it’s all about coding! When I first opened it I had no idea what to do but now that I have made a game (I made multiple because I couldn’t decide on what to do!) I now know so many things that can help me in the future. I made a trivia game that makes you answer questions on the atom! To check it out click here


Overall I think I did a good job on this project, I really liked how we had to make a video game to showcase our knowledge it made the project so much more fun! I now know many things about atoms and I know how to determine the volume of things and I am now very good at using my senses to determine what is inside objects. I really enjoyed this project and I hope that we can do something like this again!

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