My First Winter Exhibition

My name is Eloise and I’m in grade 8 in my first ever PLP exhibition. We made a triptych to answer the driving question “What can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?” Keep reading to find out my point of view!

Power play Post
Building up to the exhibition we had to do a project on medieval times. This project made us read a book, make art, and learn about Medieval worldview. This played a crucial role in our tableaux because it made me learn how lucky we are to get to live in a place where we get the opportunity to learn.

Leading up to our Renaissance artwork, we had to learn about golden age inventions, witch trials, ethical judgements, and Renaissance worldview. Once we had this knowledge, we made an artwork choice chart to help us create our artwork. This chart was much harder than the medieval chart since felt i understood the Medieval times much better. Once we had our chart we started to make our abstract art using SUPERIMPOSE

Once we completed the art we wrote a describing paragraph of the renaissance artwork taking the feedback from medieval times paragraph. This is my describing paragraph:
What can we learn from the Renaissance? What did they do better? Learning about the Renaissance worldview showed us how we can be more engaged to learn to improve the future. In my artwork there are Christians buying indulgences. I chose this aspect since Christians believed that if you paid for indulgences, you would be forgiven of all your sin and go to heaven. When they made indulgences they were thinking about the future and how it would have a lasting effect on their religion. Martin Luther nailed his ideas to the wall and these ideas were the start of the reformation which caused Catholics to divide into two groups. These groups are still here today. I think Martin Luther hoped what he wrote would have a lasting affect on society and the future. The word press was one of the biggest inventions of all time. It provided opportunity to learn and made stories spread world wide because it was affordable to make books. This affects my worldview because the WordPress allowed knowledge to be spread to more people. This is why I think we can learn from the Renaissance to be more engaged in the future.


The Day of the Winter exhibition

As soon as the clock hit 3 we rushed to the gym, we set up the black curtains, blue mats, and we moved all our props. Once it hits 5:30 the doors open and we start to perform our triptychs. As the exhibition went on there were some struggles that made it more difficult like changing the costumes, moving the props, getting the audiences attention, and having tired legs. Of course there were a lot of positives to the night like having fun, feeling happy after a good performance, seeing other grades work, building on team spirit, and personally I was happy with how i read my script!This is a video of me performing the script:

Once it hit 7:00 everyone high fives each other and helped clean up!!!

Our Triptych

We made a digital tableau with 7 aspects of worldview, then we created a real life version. What are those aspects? Read the next paragraphs to find out.

Our medieval tableaux: Danny is an apprentice to Isaac and characterizes knowledge because apprenticeships were how they learnt. Griffin is a king to depict society because kings ruled over the lands. Elsa is paying taxes to Eloise which displays economy since they gave a lot of their resources to the king. Isaac is holding a sundial showcasing time because sundials were one of the only ways they kept time. The cross conveyed belief since Christianity drove the crusades. Griffin is holding a staff to represent values since people value having knights who had weapons to protect the land. Finally we have a river to indicate geography since in Medieval times you would be considered lucky to live near a river because it’s good for growing crops.

Next up is our Renaissance tableau. Griffin is the Catholic Church displaying society because the church held great power. Danny is reading a book to show knowledge because the WordPress was invented in the renaissance. Elsa is buying indulgences from Robin to distinguish the belief that Christians believed you would be forgiven of all your sins. For values we have Isaac praying because people valued the churches words and would listen to them with open ears. We have a clock to symbolize time since the clock was one of the biggest inventions in the golden age. Economy and geography is illustrated with a port since Italy’s location had a many ports which allowed increased luxurious trade.

Last we have our contemporary tableau.  We have Griffin as an Apple Store to represent society because apple is one of the biggest ways society communicate these days. To convey belief we have Eloise (me) as a scientist since today we act with facts and proven solutions. To portray values we put in an iPad since we value having knowledge at the tips of our fingers. We indicated knowledge by Danny reading Wikipedia which shows how much knowledge we get from websites. To depict time we showed Elsa checking her watch since now we are lucky to be able to look at our wrists and know the time. Lastly to define economy we put a taxi in because today gas cars affect our economy and we are trying to switch to electric cars because it’s better for our climate.

Why does the past matter to us today?

After learning about worldview, I think learning about history lets us understand how societies functioned in the past and we can better understand how they function today. It also helps us understand how we can build from what they started.


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