What’s one of your favourite foods? Well I know that a big contender is pizza and without the age of exploration there would be no pizza. In this project we showed through an AR Makr video that we can learn to use story telling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact.
Causes and consequences
For this project, we had to learn the cause and consequences about action and one of my favourite examples is failing a math test. A cause of failing a math test could be the teacher didn’t teach it well, you have no passion for it, or you didn’t get an enough sleep the night before the test! A consequence for this could be that your parents are disappointed, you fail your whole grade, or parents might take your iPad taken away. From this example we learn what a cause and consequence is and now it’s time to write our own about the age of exploration. Here’s an example of what I did on padlet:
Causes: https://padlet.com/eloiseg2/causes-of-exploration-9clxw49y30o52y9b
Story mountain
If you have written a story before you know you can’t just write a story you have to brainstorm it. For our brainstorm we wrote a story mountain. My story mountain showed to me the power of storytelling, because if I just read in a text book about The Age Of Exploration I wouldn’t remember half of the information. But learning about the age of exploration through telling a story, made sure I got invested in the characters which helped me learn about the concepts of The Age Of Exploration. This is my story mountain;
One of the main things that helped me engage in the story was the characters and how they looked so here are all of the drawings I made for the AR Makr video:
Video + story
For my story I received a lot of feedback back. I changed a lot of detail in my story. After the improvements, it was as good as it was going to be. After, I created my video which I’m very proud of. Check it out:
I think my video shows my understanding of Europeans worldview because I had one character who was very cocky and loved thinking they were taking advantage of the first people and another who just loved being there to understand more about the people and culture he was meeting.
Best PLP Class!!!
After all our blood, sweat and tears we were finally done the project and to celebrate, we ordered pirate packs because we were learning about sea voyages. It was a delicious way to learn more about it. In this class we also did Kahoot and a pirate ship building contest!! This was the most enjoyable day in PLP this year so far.
Make sure to check out some of my other blog posts!!!!