Power Play!

Hello, and welcome back to my radical blog! This blog post is all about my humanities project. This project is called “Power Play or how it Started”. The driving question that was to be answered by the end of the project was “what can we learn from the past and how is it relevant to us today”. For this project we went through many assignments that made up the project. Let me go through them!

The Book of the Lion:

The Book of the Lion was a bit of a challenging read, because it was set in the medieval ages when the crusades were happening. Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of it because it was a very slow moving book with little conflict. However, it did help me find out more about what it was like back then.

The Great Law of Peace:

For this part of the project we learnt about the  Haudenosaunee society, a First Nations group still here today. I choose to write a blog post to show my understanding. Here is the link: https://www.blog44.ca/elsaw/2023/11/03/the-great-law-of-peace/ 

The Feudal system:

For this, we learnt about the feudal system. To show our understanding we had to use the evidence of our readings, to complete a window notes diagram.  

The crusaders dialogue:

Next we made a dialogue, to represent the two different worldviews of the muslims and the Christian’s. We used evidence from our reading to make a little skit about the crusades. It shows how the Christians were only doing it for fortune and clearing their sins, and how the Muslims were trying to get them to stop killing thousands of innocent people.  

The Tribute:

For this benchmark, we made a tribute/skit for a historically significant leader. My group chose to do our tribute on Queen Elenor. We made our tribute funny but still serious. It highlights how much impact Elenor had on feminism and empowering women. 


The Sketch and Tell:

For this we made a sketch showing how power can be gained and lost. But there was a catch, we weren’t allowed to use words! We had to represent all that without a single word!  

The Artwork Choice Chart:

Last but not least… The final product! We used an app called Arts and Culture to find specific images to insert into our Artwork Choice Chart. Then, we incorporated all of these images into our main painting.  


Thanks for reading all about my project journey! I learnt a lot and had a good experience! Hopefully you did too!

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