To make a video game!

To make a video game!

Hi and welcome back to my blog! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Anyways, for this blog post your in for a treat! This will be my first ever science blog post! In this super amazing and radical post, you’ll be learning about my first ever science project! The driving question for this project was “How can we communicate our knowledge of atoms in a fun and creative way”? To communicate our knowledge we made video games! On a website called “Scratch” we made some pretty cool video games with coding to display and communicate our knowledge of atoms. There are many different types of games you can make, but I decided to make a trivia game!

Amazing radical science quizzzzz!!!

Since I’m not that creative when it comes to naming things (except for my dog) so, I named my game “Amazing radical science quiz” with a few extra “z” and some exclamation marks for dramatic flair. My game is all about using your knowledge to complete a quiz. There are some simple questions and some more advanced questions to test your knowledge. It uses relatively simple coding to be able to click on icons to answer the questions and to get replies weather the answer is incorrect or correct, also to be able to hide and show answers based on the questions and backdrops. If you would like to give my game a try, you can search on the website “Scratch” or you can click on the embedded website I have put into this post. 



I think this project went really well and I am very proud of the finished product. It was a great opportunity to test my thinking and technical skills while still doing something fun! I was presented with many challenges like ‘how do I get this to change when I click it’ or ‘why doesn’t this move when the backdrop switches’ but I was able to use my critical thinking skills and my communication skills to either ask for help, or find the solution on my own. 

Thanks for reading my blog post! I hope you enjoyed learning about my first ever science project! Make sure to check out my game, and or, read about some of my other experiences!