An Mpol is a mid year presentation of learning. So I have to show you all of my work that I think show my learning best this year so far. Thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am the expert of my own learning I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation if my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. I will start of with of Maker
The first thing that I will talk to you about is my user manual.
This is basically a guide that tells you all about me. It will help you understand what I’m like and what I’m interested about. It was fun making it because I know me best and I could put anything I wanted into it. The next thing I would like to talk about is my learning plan. I have made a learning plan for myself and others. It shows my goals and other things.
Humanities (the hardest subject in my opinion)
The thing that I would choose to show my work is my mind node.
This mind node was about world you had to have different aspects of worldview. I think it was best to show because it really thought me about worldview and helping me understand worldview.
For science I’m choosing the video game. We had to make a video on atoms and it had to shown our knowledge of atoms. I made two because the first one didn’t really show my knowledge so I made another to really show my knowledge. So I would get full marks. I will also talk about my humanities project called working with words. In this project I will be talking about the poems I made. I put all of the poems I made into a book.
(Video game link)
My favourite poem was one of my haiku poems. They where really fun to make. This is coming to the end of my first ever Mpol. Thank you for coming and listening! See you next time bye! 🍕🍟🍿