Take your kid to work day!

Take your your kid to work day.

Driving question 🏎️: How does experiencing a workday shape our view of career choices? 

To answer the driving question How does experiencing a workday shape our view of career choices? I think it does because we can see what the job is like and see if I want to have that job and see if it is interesting. This job at the labs on hatchery is 50/50 with outdoor work and computer work. I don’t think I would enjoy working on a computer all day. But I think a balance is good.  

In this project we went to a place of work and experienced a day in the life of a job. I went to the Seymour salmon hatchery. It was a wonderful experience and I loved every minute. I learned so many things! Some things that I learned was you need to check if a female salmon was ready to spawn and you do that by feeling the belly and if it it jiggly like jello its ready but if it’s firm then its not ready yet. Also the males are completely hollow inside! But the thing I was there was the interview. There is the link to my video: 

We did many different things when we where there. My favourite part was going into the creek. Before we put on waiters and went in! It was so fun but we didn’t go in for fun we had to count and collect data. We didn’t get far until we had to stop because we saw a salmon that was dead. We collected the data then cut it in half. We do that because that’s how we show that that salmon was already counted. I never really thought about it but that makes sense because people could recount the salmon and mess up all the data. After we had lunch and filmed the interviews. We had to take pictures threw out the experience. For our video It had to be 3 min. So it was a challenge to fit everything I wanted in my video because there was a lot I wanted to show. 


There where two salmon that where ready to spawn and you cut them open until their eggs fall out. Then you have to put the sperm in the eggs. Mix them around for like 30 sec then rinse them in water. You need to be really careful with them because they can pop really easily. After they are all clean we have to disinfect the eggs just in case humans gave the eggs any Diseases. 


Thank you letter. At the end we had to send a thank you letter to our mentors. 

I am really proud of my letter because it came from my heart and I home y mentor likes it! Thank you for reading my post and I hope you enjoyed feedback is appreciated. Thank you!