€0D!NG – The Launguage of the Internet

Coding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is AwesomeCoding is Awesome





It’s true, anyone can code in the modern age. What used to take months, or sometimes years to complete can now be done with a simple search of the Internet. Don’t believe me? When I first heard about this week’s challenge, I was afraid I wouldn’t know where to begin as I haven’t used much HTML before. However, with a few simple tutorials and help from code generating websites, I was able to program the HTML animation seen above. It only took a few minutes, and taught me that coding was a lot easier then it’s made out to be. No longer is it a format that only the highly mathematically trained can use; it’s now more of a language that people of any age, location, or education level can speak alike. Here are some cool things you can do with HTML :



Use  🙂 to express your 😆

Want to make some of these easy codes yourself? Click the computer below (I would love to see some comments using one of these codes): 

Or check out my favourite coding apps;

Swift Playgrounds


🖥 An Hour of Code 🖥

Code isn’t only a function of a computer, but the information that makes up all of it’s digital components. It kind of works like your DNA, deciding certain traits and allowing you to properly function. There is so much you can do with code, and a fun place to start is exploring how you can use it in video games. You may not realize it, but every time you install a modification or resource pack to a game, you are editing the code. Even changing the settings on the game is activating pre-programmed coding functions.

Coding with Hour Of Code – Minecraft Challenge 

One of the tasks I tried this week that explored code in video games was the Hour of Code Minecraft Challenge. You are given the task of searching underwater ruins for a buried treasure using coding functions to walk, turn, build, and more. The puzzles start out simple with only a small string on code needed to complete them and slowly become more challenging. Through this activity, I realized that coding isn’t innately challenging; it’s just a type of writing. What makes it hard is the time and patience it takes to complete a task, for even with pre-programmed help there is a lot of manual work. I found it fun however because there is never just one way to complete a puzzle. If you are interested in the basics of coding or looking for a fun challenge, I would highly recommend the Hour of Code challenges. Click here to access the website.

🗣 Coding Connections 👤

Computer programming is a great career for meeting new people as it is not limited to any specific group/location. With the internet giving us the means to talk to people half way across the world in seconds, people in careers that involve digital work find themselves connecting with all sorts of people around the globe. This also applies to students who use technology, an example of this being the opportunity the SBC challenge gave us to talk to a computer programmer from the United States named Alex. Alex is visually imapred, but didn’t let that hinder him in reaching his goals. He is now working with WordPress to help make websites more accessible for those with disability. This story inspired me, and I left a comment asking him about what a young coder can do if they want to pursue a career in computer programming.

What do you use code for? What are your favourite HTML functions? Let me know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “€0D!NG – The Launguage of the Internet

  1. Hi Emily,

    My name is Merry Beau and I am a commenter from the Student Blogging Challenge.

    I teach children between the ages of 4 and 12 and I am from Ireland. Here is a link to our class blog

    My class and I have done the student blogging challenge in the past. We also really enjoy coding and use code.org a lot.

    I can tell you really enjoyed finding out about coding. We would agree that coding is made out to be a lot more challenging than it is in fact. We would also agree that it is a kind of universal or global language. We are glad we learned to code! We can tell you are too.

    Well done on putting up Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2018.

    It would be lovely to hear back from you. You could leave a comment on our class blog. Part of the fun of blogging is getting to hear from people all over the world.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

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