This term my class did a big project called the winter Exhibition. It’s all about what we’ve learn in the topic we where given, in my case we did the worldview of religion. How it works is everyone in my class was separated into groups of 5. Each group was given a specific religion. My group was assigned Judaism for our religion. But their was lots of other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. After we were assigned our religion we had to make a poster. We had to make 4 drafts.
Here is our first draft/idea. As you can see if you knew nothing about Judaism you would think this is a good poster. But the five main points were definitely not the main more important parts in Judaism, and the gas mask is pretty offensive because what happen was they were invaded and had coked to death because the invaders released a deadly gas that killed many, many, many Jews. And the invaders were wearing the gas mask so that’s how they survived, but since the Jews did not have any gas masks they were killed. So if they had the gas masked they would of survived. So adding that picture of a gas mask means that they were not smart enough to think to use the gas mask. So when my teacher saw it all she said was “You know you can’t use that poster, right”. So that’s why we thought of this idea.
This was our second draft/idea. We had completely redo this draft because our first draft was offensive. So for this draft we thought we would make it clear that we had 6 main important parts. Each group member had to do one main event(and one together)and a picture that suited the part. And in my opinion I think we did pretty good compared to our first Poster. After every group had finished a poster draft our teachers numbered each poster from best to worse. Our first one we were last, but in our second one we were in third! I’m not going to show you all of our posters but here was our end result!
This is our last poster draft! The changes were not that big but we did change the text on all of them a little bit, and fixed up all the pictures. And after every group had finished they last draft our teachers number us, and guess what place we came in. FIRST! and we were the first group to have a thumps up to print it! After everyone had finished all their final poster, that’s when we were aloud to start planning the rest of the project.
So what we had to do was think of a food to make and a game to play. For my group we did cheese dreidels for our food and for our game we chose to do the game dreidel! The plan was everyone had to make 40 cheese dreidels, and one person would make 4 clay dreidels. The end result of our station was pretty awesome! We had lots of people coming and looking, eating, playing and asking questions about Judaism. Our project was a hit and in conclusion I think my group awesome and that I really liked the idea of the Winter Exhibition!
– Emily✌️