🌷Spring Expedition🌷

Hi peoples! Today I’m going talk about BLUE SKY!!! Sense it is the last blog post I’m going to write of this year you should enjoy it. First let me explain Blue Sky, Blue Sky Is one of my classes big projects that we do every year. (this is the first year we got to do it though) Essentially what it is, is a product we make to help fix a problem going on our community. The problem I was trying to fix was how parents that like jogging but sense you need to hands to pump your arms it’s kinda difficult hold to the stroller. So what I made was a free hand jogger. How it works is there is a trap that goes around your waist a spring in the middle and two poles coming out the side that have clamps so you can attach them to the stroller handle.

Making this project was really fun! My plan to create it was I would get the materials, what I needed to get was an spring, a long PVC pipe, PVC pipe connectors and a fabric strap. First I would plan out how long it would take me to build each part. Once I had that planned out I just start creating. The first thing I created was the spring (the part that would go in the middle) then I measure how long I needed to the PVC pipe, I cut it at arms length so you would have room to pump your arms but have the stroller in arms length. After a had done that i just had to test it. Testing I was a little bit difficult because i dint actually have a stroller, but I figured out a way to test it. Finally I was finished! (If you want to see the time lapse of me making it, watch the video below. 


It felt great to actually have it done! But there was still some other thing that i needed to do. Before the expedition (that’s what we call it) we had to make a little presentation that explains all about what we had made. Somethings we had to include was our launch journal. OurLaunch journal is a little notebook that we kept to record all the steps from coming up with the idea to creating it. The day of the expedition went a lot better i thought it would be. Everyone asked a lot of questions and they all liked my product. (If you want to see my launch journal below show most of my work)

This was for sure a awesome project! And i am so excited to do it all over again next year!

K bye ✌️

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