❄️Winter Exhibition 2019❄️

Hello people welcome back to another blog post! If you have read my blog before you might remember me writing a different blog post about last year’s exhibition. Here’s a link to if you would like to check it out —> Winter Exhibition 2018 now let me first say what this year’s exhibition was all about. The 2019 winter exhibition’s focus was STAR WARS!! I really enjoyed the exhibition this year. Probably more then last year. It was really fun getting to work with the grade 8’s this year too.

Before this project started I knew nothing about Star Wars, even when we had to write a paragraph about all the things we knew and were excited for about Star Wars, I didn’t have much to write because I didn’t know anything. But we all got to start somewhere, right. So as I said the first thing we did to start off this project was a littler introduction about our knowledge on Star Wars. Since I don’t have much knowledge about Star Wars mine was pretty short but it still had a couple things I knew about Star Wars from my dad telling me about it.

For this project we spilt it into two parts. Each half we had a didn’t thing to work on and a different curricular competencies. For humanities we made a short story. For maker we created a artifact that represented our part of story.

Humanities: What literacy skills am I using to write, speak, and represent in the text I create?

Another thing we did to start off this project was a short story review chart. We did this so we could learn how to write a good story for the humanities part of this project. What did we have to do for the humanities part you ask. Well each group had to write their own story about a character in Star Wars. They could either make them up or choose an already made character and create their backstory that the movies do not include.

After we had been assigned our groups, each group got a planet. My group was Malaika, Alex,

Anders, Anthony, Jude and Gabe. Our plant was the Death Star. Now that we were in our groups we started writing the story. The story was divided into seven parts. The story followed the hero’s journeys rules. You ask what that is? Well the hero’s journey is what we used to make our stories.


Maker: How might I use technology to create in new ways?

Below you will see my artifact that I made. At first when we were brainstorming what to make I had absolutely no idea. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to create something in real life or on my iPad. I finally had decided a week and a half before the exhibition which made things pretty stressful but it did all work out in the end.

For the actual creation of my control panel didn’t take long. I had to look all around the house to find enough cardboard and paint but once I had everything it was pretty quick to put together. I first made the base with cardboard and duck tape then I spray painted it all black and finally I put little holes around the edge to put these colourful lights. In the middle you’ll see a big hole. That is there so I can place my iPad in there and on my iPad it has a map of the Death Star. I did this because I thought it would make it a bit more clear that this control panel was from the Death Star.

Before creating our artifact we had to make our LAUNCH journal. A LAUNCH journal is pretty much steps to follow that helps you create something successful. The LANUCH journal was very helpful for me when I was creating my artifact. It was easy to follow and it helped me stay on top of the work so I wouldn’t miss an important step.

After our stories were done and everyone had finished making their artifact. It was time to actually start the Winter Exhibition. This was quite the night. We started setting up right at 3:00 and finished by 5:00. The whole time we were setting up everything was chaos! The one problem we always have is that there’s never enough tape! No matter how much you bring it’s never enough. I brought three full rolls of duck tape and didn’t get any back. Pretty crazy. Anyways, after everything was set up and looking great the teachers had to feed us so we got pizza! I think that put us all in a good mood because the exhibition had started. People started arriving going to check out everyone’s awesome projects.

I think the whole night was a success! This was definitely my favourite PLP project we’ve done so far. It was really fun learning how to write awesome stories and learning all about Star Wars. I feel like I did good with this project. I’m proud of what I created. And I think I met all the companies. I’m really proud of my whole class for pulling off a exhibition to remember!

– Emily✌️

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