In Their Own Words ~ WWII

Hello and welcome back. This past month we’ve been working on a super cool project called “In Their Own Words”. The driving question for this project was How might we use stories to understand the causes and consequences of WW2.

World War Two is a very interesting event of our history, but it’s also pretty confusing. After all it was a world war, there are so many of important dates and battles.

In this project we would answer that question in our second podcast episodes. A lot like our most recent episode we would include a interview. It wasn’t just an interview though of course. In PLP there’s always competencies. These competencies were:

Using evidence and resources

Throughout this project there were many times I had to do research and use different sources. The way I feel I used sources and evidence best was in Milestone two. Milestone two was all about research. This Milestone was really important because all the facts and information we found is very crucial to writing and producing of the podcast.

By this time I had decided on the topic I would base my episode off of. Since my podcast is about quite literally anything. I had a very wide variety of topics to choose from. Now for some people they would like to have a big option. But for me I found it very hard to choose a topic as well as an interviewee that knows about it.

I eventually decided to go with teenagers in World War Two. How they acted and were effected by the war.

Global collaborator

We didn’t just have to do some reach and learn a couple facts about my topic, we needed to find an outside source. Someone who could back you up and teach you more. I unfortunately could not find anyone available to interview but of course we had a plan B. Instead of interviewing someone live, I found a very helpful audio clip provided by The Memory Project.

Analyzing cause and consequence

Analyzing cause and consequence was something we had many chances to revise at. Events are important but they mean nothing if you don’t understand why they began and what happened after they ended. That is why Cause and Consequence were so important to understand. The milestone I improved in this competency the most was milestone five. Milestone five was the completed podcast episode.

Responding to Text Have I constructed an original connection between myself, the text, and the world?

I believe I have made good connections to the text, as well as relating back to life today and me personally. I think I accomplished this competency in milestone 4, which was the scipt.

I feel I reached a good understanding of the causes and consequences of WWII. Telling the story gave me the chance to share facts and my thoughts on the causes and consequences. Overall I believe I learned a lot in this project and all the work we completed in this project.

After all the research, recording, writing and editing my episode is complete. I feel very proud of how it ended up. I think it answers the driving question well.

~ Emily

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