Hey guys, So today I’m going to tell you about mPOL’s. Ok I know what your thinking mPOL’s are kinda like a student led conference. And I’m hoping you know what a student led conference is but if don’t it means exactly how it sounds, a student leading a conference about how they are doing to far in school (most of the time it’s about school). Ok now here’s the difference between student lead conferences and mPOL’s, a student lead conferences is kinda like a walk around gallery when you just talk about your work. And mPOL’s are similar but they are much more of a presentation. Okay so for my mPOL i made a paragraph about each subject talking about what we did and how we did it.
First let’s talk about humanities and what we did. We did a lot of this this year so far, lots of this like worldview of religion or Oregon ads. But I think I’m going to talk about the Oregon ads. I loved this project because for one thing we got to go to Oregon with was super fun. Go check out my Oregon blog post! Oregon blog post But anyways in Oregon we were separated into group, in my group was Kaden, Holly, Ryan and Emily. Here are link to their blogs if you wanna see their’s!Holly’s blog Emily’s blog Kaden’s blog Ryan’s blog Ok back to work. After we had a group we were assigned a business that originated in Oregon. Are business was Northwest trek wildlife park. Like I said I really like this project and if you wanna here more about the Oregon ads here’s the link to my post. Oregon ads blog post
Next maker , so far in maker we did lots of projects such as the student blogging challenge which is a bunch of little project that we had to do on our blog. Here’s a link to my favourite challenge. Blogging challenge week 5. Another big project we did was the winter expedition. Winter expedition is this big project everyone in PLP did. Our focus was worldview and religion. If you wanna hear more go check out my post abouWinter Expedition blog post.
Now science, science wasn’t to bad this year our teacher was Mr. Tomas(same teacher in math) Mr. Tomas is a really awesome teacher he is super chill and a good teacher, but anyways back to the work. In science we would usually just do work sheets but if we were learning a new subject we would get to watch a couple videos. I think my favourite project in science would have to be the children’s book about tectonic plates because it was really fun and i really enjoyed making it. Here it is if you wanna see it. 814634EB-8BBD-4C5F-98BB-5A478E4FB4C7-10q33pk
Ok this year in math I for once liked math class because it was nice and calm and not super crazy like my other classes, and my teacher Mr. Tomas he was super chill he would even lets us eat and lessen to music in class. But also it was fun, normally i don’t like math but this year was really fun because if we weren’t doing any work sheets we would get to watch videos. The work we done is stuff like fractions, integers and order of operations and we just started working on surface area and volume.
This year we started a new class in PLP called PGP. PGP is to help you become a student and person. PGP has helped me so much in PLP, such as keeping track of time by time blocking or goal setting. In the beginning of the year PLP was pretty stressful but after PGP it got a lot easier. Okay back to the work this year in PGP it was a labour goal setting. Everyone in my class had to make up one or two goal for next year. My goal was to take my time when doing work and to stay organized. I think that PGP helped me a lot by keeping organized. And to be honest I thought that PGP was going to be jus more homework but instead in really helped me out
k bye ✌️