Hi and welcome back! Ya I know I haven’t posted in a while but it was summer! Do you expect me to do work in summer? Nope. Anyway, I’m math class we did a project about exponent laws. Now what we had to do was create a game that used exponent laws. This was not easy, it took me and my partner Rhiann many many different ideas until we found the right one. The game of exponents laws was a super interesting project. And once we had finished the last product of our game we had people come from other classes to play it. Before we started brainstorming for our final product we started with a small dice rolling game where in groups we quickly came up with simple dice games that followed one exponent law. This task was especially important because it helped us get used to writing detailed instructions which was definitely an important skill towards the end of the project.
Anyway after we made a couple of super simple dice games we moved on to thinking about how we were going to do our main game. Now for our game we used cards instead of dice. There was no limit to what you wanted to use for your game it just had to be playable. My game is a little bit confusing but once you try it yourself you will get the hang of it.
Now if you don’t understand the rules I included a couple pictures of how it will work. So try your best to get the idea of it and what helps is if you play a round to get the hang of it.
So this is what my game looks like while in play. Where the four cards laid out are, that’s where your board it. And the bottom two cards are your base and those cards are the ones you are allowed to switch out. The only time your power cards (the ones on the top row) will be switched out is when your opponent switches them out. You want to put very low numbers in your opponents powers because the lower numbers they get lower total number it will equal to.
Here’s a better idea of what the board looks like. Now that I have explained my game I’m going to tell you guys more about why did decided to make games. Now exponents are a little bit tricky but once we did some practice work we caught on pretty quickly. I personally really liked exponents because I understood them so well it made it easy and enjoyable. I hope my game helped you learn something new!
– Emily ✌️