Esther’s Insights

You’re Next… 😱

Dark, Mysterious, Creepy. Those are the emotions that you typically feel when watching a thriller video, and those are the emotions that PLP 9 was trying to make our audience feel when creating our own thriller video. In one of my previous posts, I talked about how PLP 9 was running a remake of a short thriller called ‘Run’. Well now that we had the basics of cinematography down, it was time to create our own original thriller short films. I think that this was a really fun experience because we got choose who we worked with, we got to write our on storyline, and we got to choose where and when we filmed it. Since we had a lot more freedom to work with in this project, it turned out pretty well. My video is called ‘You’re Next’ which you can see down below.

Even though this turned out pretty well, there were obvious a lot of things that we change and add to make this film even better. Before making this film, we watched several mentor text videos to guide us when making our own videos. Watching these mentor text really helped me personally see what our videos were supposed to look like. Since we only got a short amount of time to plan, film, and edit our films it didn’t turn out exactly like we would have hoped, but I think that as we continue to put these skills to use our videos will get better and better. Practice makes perfect right? I had a lot of fun making this video and I hope that my audience has just as much fun watching it.

Esther • December 11, 2023

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