My Quilt Square, Not Yours

If you Read my last blog post you’d know that we had to make a civilization with a hero then put it on a quilt. First of all I have never been good at drawing, but I can trace although I think everybody can trace. Anyways drawing on a screen with your finger made it ten times worse. My quilt square was supposed to be a picture of Posiedon tricking Cordelia (the hero) into getting on plane (telepathically) that she thought was going to Canada but it was really going to the Bermuda Triangle.

At first my drawing was horrible it was one of the worst things I’ve ever drawn in my opinion (I’m sorry I don’t have a picture of it also you would just laugh at it and not read my post.). It sort of got better during my second attempt but not really. I finally figured out would be a better Idea to take a picture of a brain on the Internet and put in the background instead of trying to draw one and fail. Then I found this brain that looked really awesome and really captured what I was looking for.



The next thing I had to do is to go into more detail with Posoiedon and Cordelia, which took a long time because I’m not amazing at drawing as you already know.  For this one part that I was drawing a speech bubble and it just didn’t look quite like a speech bubble so Ms. Willemse (My teacher) suggested for me to get one of comic life so I asked her how to do that and she showed me and I put blah blah blah in it and looked just fine. This is what the end of my drawing looks like.



Now we’re on to quilting. If you think I’m bad at drawing at the start I was even worse at quilting. I was doing tons of stuff wrong I ended up staying after school to finish stuff everybody else finished in class. My quilting was probably in the top 5 worst in the class. I got a little bit better and met quilt square didn’t look to bad in the end but it definitely wasn’t the best out of my group.

My groups quilt squares.

(Those are our quilt squares not yours)

My quilt square


(This is my quilt square not yours)



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