My SLC, Not Yours

If you don’t know what an SLC is it is a Student Led Conference which replaces a Parent Teacher Interview. Our class has to make a script with 3 topics, these are them Work Most Proud of, Work that shows Growth, and Evidence of a growth mindset.

This is what I’m going to do.

My work that I am most proud of was My Star Wars project just because it showed that not all experiments are succesful. Mine was not succesful which was a success for me just because I learned something new and in my opinion that is a success.


My work that shows growth are my blog posts. I chose my Blog posts because they have gotten longer, they went from around 250 words a post to about 400 or 500 words a post on average . That shows that I am becoming a stronger writer and I have more to say, thinking more broadly, and I am going into more detail, and me becoming a stronger writer shows my growth.

Last but not least, evidence of a growth mindset. My evidence takes place at the DI tournament and we found out that our instruments weight was off by a long shot, but we didn’t give up we kept going we tried to cut down as much wait as possible, we put a whole in it, that wasn’t enough, we only had a couple minutes left to sign in but we kept going, so we cut it so much that it snapped in half, it was finally enough. We signed in and did our presentation, the only problem was that we couldn’t get the instrument to balance the wood on top of to hold the weight, Alex kept going he didn’t stop trying because he wanted complete this challenge like the rest of us. In the end he couldn’t balance it which wasn’t very good but it showed that we never stopped, we kept moving forward. It made me think of the speech in the latest Rocky(Not Creed, Rocky)


“The world ain’t all. Sunshine and rainbows.
Its a very mean and nasty place,
and I don’t care how tough you are,
it will beat you to your knees
and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain’t about how hard you hit,
it’s about how hard you can get hit
and keep moving forward.
How much you can take and keep moving forward.
That’s how winning is done!
-Rocky Balboa

Here’s the Video

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