My Saxaphone Skills, Not Yours

I don’t really talk about this much but I play the Saxaphone. It all started when I was choosing my classes and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to  join band or not, so I asked my parents they said it would be good and they thought that I should do it and that I should talk to my piano teacher about (our family’s are friends) me playing the Saxaphone and she thought that would be great because she played the Saxaphone so she could get me a little prepared before school started. I went and started renting a Tenor Saxaphone and started practicing with my piano teacher I learned the basic notes and finally school came and I learned as I went along and the band teacher told the Tenors that if one of us could switch to Alto Saxaphone it would help the bands sound. I said that I would do it, so she said that she’d let me borrow her alto Saxaphone after it had been sanitized until I traded in my Tenor for an Alto.

That’s basically how it started but anyways this is mainly about something different. I have this Saxaphone teacher that I go to after school on Wednesdays and we work on the songs that I have in band then we work on things that is want to learn. Not to long ago we started working on “Epic Sax Guy”  just because it was catchy and most people know it. Within the first lesson with my teacher I learned it by ear and could sort of play it. I realized that some of the notes were off so I fixed it and I now play it decently.

Be ready for more Saxaphone Skills posts.


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