My D.I. Catastrophe, Not Yours

D.I. stands for Destination Imagination which is a tournament that includes the whole world in multiple challenges including think on the spot instant challenges.


This is a picture when I was stressed out, well we all were.

I should probably start from the beginning just because that’s closer to the end.

It all started in this one class where we took a survey on the things we liked to do then we handed the survey in and waited. When they had been evaluated our class had been split into 4 groups for each challenge. My challenge with my group was the structural challenge. Are challenge was basically make and instrument under 175 grams and has to support wait and be a certain height and part of it has to wrap around a support post. That’s not all of it though we also have to incorporate a story. We worked on it a long time and we thought it was pretty good the weight was right and so was the height. Finally when the day came to go into the tournament for regionals we ran into a problem while signing in. The weight was way off on measurement and we had cut down on weight quickly. That’s why I was so stressed out.

With the help of another group we literally put a whole in it.


We checked to see if it was light enough but it wasn’t, it was still a little bit over the weight. We kept working on it and kept going. Then we used a multi tool to cut it as much as possible and then finally literally we snapped it in half and we knew that had to be light enough which it was. We signed in with just minutes to go. Then we got to talk to this person who asked us some questions.


We finished with that, and now it was time for our presentation. We did the short skit really well and everything was looking up until the very end where we had to put the weights on top of the instrument. The board that held the weights wouldn’t balance and the time ran out.


Alex is the one in the picture said it was the longest 8 minutes of his life.

We still had to do our instant challenge which was at 1:00 so we had lunch and walked over to the Dairy Queen across the street, then finally the time came. We did our instant challenge and we thought we did well with just barely finishing on time. The last thing we did was go to the award ceremony which was pretty good because Seycove (my school) won quite a few awards and one of the groups won a special award. Remember that was my catastrophe not yours.

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