More Religion Assignments

One of the religion assignments that I had to do was the religion Explain Everything or E.E. Which took a decent amount of time, but it was with two more people. I was in charge of all the information for the TWO E.E.’s. Oh yah there were two E.E.’s one for a religion that we had already learned about and another for one that we have to learn about along the way. That was basically my job to get all of the info for that religion and give it to the other person in my group. Our religions were Buhdisim and Jainism.


It took a couple of revisions as well and honestly it took the whole class a while to to finish them. I kept getting info basically almost the whole way through it. My group members also had to do this other project so sometimes I would be doing my job without a group, which did not effect me but I felt lonely😢… Just Kidding. We ended up finishing the E.E.’s and I thought they were pretty good.


Now onto the more complicated religion assignment Which is the  IBook. We haven’t quite finished it yet but it’s almost done. We all had jobs and my job or group job was to make music. We mostly used garage band. My teacher was away for the first bit and while she was gone the musician group could barely come up with anything. When she got back oh, that wasn’t very good. We started moving really fast after that and things moved quite a bit faster, but later she said that she thought that we weren’t going to finish it in time. We did, I said that most of us do are best work probably in last minute situations. Most parents don’t agree such as mine who hate it when I leave things to the end. We ended up finishing our part by the due date. The iBook is still being out together but it will probably be put together in the next day or two. We kind of have to or else it will be hanging over us all summer long and that would not be very fun, especially for me just because I often get quite a bit of stress from homework, but what can you do when you live in a shoe.




Anyways those were two religion assignments that I have done recently, so you can stop reading now, why are you still reading? Seriously why are you still reading?


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