Super Hero Project, Eh

In science class we get to do a super hero project in a group, you may be wondering how we are learning anything. How this is actually related to school work is that we had to choose an element from the periodic table. Our team originally chose bismuth but, we ended up changing our element to phosphorus, I think it was mainly because bismuth had an atomic number of 83 and we didnt want to make a model of an atom that big, thats kind of ironic because atoms are really small. Our group is a bit behind but we can still catch up everybody is doing there part I believe. We also had to make a periodic table for part of the project.


We also got to have a team name and a team badge. Our team name comes from one of my group members dogs, Team Pip.


Finally Done the Steampunk Project, Eh

Yay were finally done the Steampunk Project, well mostly we still have to show our final draft to our teachers and show that it wasn’t a complete fail. Our teachers actually told us that this was an epic fail on there part, but in our class

F.A.I.L. Stands for First. Attempt. In. Learning.

So its not as bad as people usually think a fail is. On that note lets get into the actuall project itself, our project worked pretty horribly for most of the duration of time we were working on it. Now it works which is awesome, most of the time… Anyways the last couple of days that we have been working on it, it has been a mad scramble in class to get it done some people were so far away from it working some people making it work before just about everybody. We ended up re painting it, heres a picture.



(Sorry that its sideways)






That is the new paint job there used to be more silver and bronze but we diecided to make it more black. We also had to make a video on the revolution and the machine and how they connect, our whole group spoke in it, and a lot of it shows a whiteboard and drawing with somebody talking over it.

That video basically explains the whole project and everything you need to know “aboot” the project . So have a good day eh!

Take Your Child to Work Day, Eh

So on Wednesday all the grade 9’s got to go to work with there parents or somebody else. I went with my stepbrother to Richmond Auto Body North Vancouver(A.K.A. R.A.B.). If you want to know more about this place click Eh, just about everything u need to know about that place is on that link. Anyways I chose to go with my stepbrother because if I went with my Dad I would have to probably clean up the mess he makes in somebody’s backyard, because he is a landscaper, and I dont like doing that, and if I went with my Mom I would be bored at a office probably spinning in one of those chairs all day long. With my brothers job at least he works with cars which I like. Speaking of cars there were these two cool cars that were there, one was a really old Jaguar XJS V12,

Jaguar XJS

That Jaguar is only have as cool as this car. img_1697 img_1698

This is an older BMW I’m thinking approximately a late 1980’s to 1990 BMW M5 maybe M3, with all of the weight reduction possible and a roll cage and a bucket seat. My brother had to drive it like just a couple of metres to get it out of the way and it was awkward for him to get out of the car because of the roll cage, and he said “People say they want a roll cage, no they dont because it’s pretty hard to get out of the car.”  That was probably the coolest thing I saw while I was there.

The other thing that I got to do was go into the paint booth which is where they paint cars/parts of cars. The guy who was working in the paint booth told me basically what he had to do. It’s something like a three coat proccess, u put a coat of paint on it, wait ten minutes until its mostly dry. You then do that again, then once its mostly dry you put the clear coat on it which makes it look shiny, he wouldnt let me in the paint booth while he was putting on the clear coat becuase it is insanely bad for you to ingest, so for that he needed a mask. Oh and the paint is insanely expensive. These little paint things that you pour, are no bigger then a pop can and there like $50 bucks and a good size can is like a couple hundred dollars. img_1712

One of the cool things that my brother gets to do is weld. Right now there is a recall for BMW’s on there baby seat clip thingy, you know the thing that you attach the car seat to in the car, and becuase R.A.B. is a certified BMW autobody most of there cars are BMW’s so my brother has done so many of them that he’s starting to get bored with them because he’s done it so many times. He gave me his old welding mask to borrow becasuse its worse than looking at the sun, it was pretty cool because the metal melted down into a puddle that you could faintly see because of the mask, the welding tool he was using was transfering electricity to the end of it which was making it really hot which caused the metal to melt which makes it so my brother can reshape the metal.

Welding meme

Here’s another thing that happened a transformer from the sixties blew up outside. No, not a transformer that can change shape I’m talking about the ones that give you electricity it was still pretty cool a giant 12000 volt chunk came off.


One of my brothers co-workers owns a Alfa Romeo with a V8 in it and it does brunouts in 3rd gear, if you don’t know what that means here are the simple terms, small ish car + big engine = it go fast. Another guy has a 500 horsepower mustang that also goes very fast, and is a very cool car.

img_1715 img_1716

Thats basically everything that happened I just did homework the rest of the time.

I personally think that my take your child to work day is one of the best, don’t you think so eh!




My Dreamhouse Eh

So in class for math we were learning about square footage, and values of houses depending on square footage. Anyways at the end of the unit we got into a group and got to design our dreamhouse. I was in a group with 3 other people are house was around 1800 square feet and it has an awesome roof, with a tennis court, basketball court and a pool with a waterfall. The house is 2 stories tall, and has just about everything you need.


Now the best part. We got to make the dreamhouse so we could represent it on a projector and our group chose minecraft to build it. It was an awesome house. At the end in the last couple minutes we added stuff that would just make it cool. I went and made a little shack just in the backyard put a bed and a massive TV in it, now here’s the awesome part I made a tunnel system with gold and diamond filled throughout it going endlessly under ground, which boosted the price from $275,000 to $275,000,000,000 yah it was a a lot of gold and diamond. If your confused why I started that, it’s because there werent enough bedrooms for all of us.


Now that’s pretty true EH!