Making Fantasy Real, Eh

In class we did a big project on Fantasy. We even ended up going on a field trip to florida. It was a really cool project where we focused on how Disney emerges everybody who goes there into an imaginary world. To make us fully understand we went on the rides there, but we focused on one ride per person. I got expedition everest, it is one of the scarier rides in all of Disney World, and probably the most in the Animal Kingdom. The ride creates a real adrenaline rush for anybody who likes fast rides and big drops. The ride even has a point where you go backwards. If you want to learn more about our trip heres my blog post on field schools.

Lots of Field Schools, Eh

We focused on what Disney did to emerse everybody into what seemed like another dimension, the main question was what draws us to imaginary worlds. We had to write essays about it which was a little bit painful, the essay focused on alice in wonderland. That was the book that we read throughout this unit then we ended up watching the older alice in wonderland movie. This is a blog post I did on that.

Alice in Wonderland, Eh

Anyways while we were there we had to interview people and ask there opinions on what they thought brings everybody to an imaginary world when they go on one of the rides. We had to take pictures of everything that would could be useful and we had to write down notes about everything we figured out from being there or from doing reasearch on the internet.  I got to interviews and loads of information on the ride. I don’t want to tell you every detail becuase that is explained on the video I made.

Well before we could actually make the video we had to story boards, which aren’t that hard if you what you’re doing but if you don’t know what to do your are going to be there for a while. After we did that we went to florida and got everything we needed for the story boards. After that we put it all together to make a video on everything we learned, but wait a second you not done you have to do 2 more drafts of it to make it just right. I will now show you my third draft video eh.


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