Frankenstuffies, Eh

The last unit that I did in school for humanities was mainly on geography, but it had a slight twist. The end project was to create a video too show who is in control the humans or the environment. We had to pick a part of Canadian geography to reasearch and then make the video on that area. Although the video was on that area it was not exactly normal, we had to make a Frankenstuffie. A frankenstuffie is a stuffie that has been modified by either replacing parts of it or adding parts to the stuffie. Personally, I am horrible at stitching anything. My stitching job wasn’t necessarily well done, I did my best and that’s all that matters. With my stuffie I had to spray paint it first, becuase the stuffie I got was a flamingo and, well flamingos don’t really live in the St.Lawerence Lowlands so to speak.

It was originally a pink flamingo but I painted it red and called it a cardinal. I then of course had to turn it into a Frankenstuffie. First I tore the thing open then I ripped all the fluff out, and the sqweeker(It’s a dog toy). I then sewed that back up, and added a eye to it’s chest but I used it more as something that looks kinda like an air filter. It turned out well for me considering it didn’t fall apart once I disconnected the needle from the string.

I probably made a mistake showing you a closeup because now you can see how ugly my sewing job was. During this project we read a book, most people have probably seen the movie staring Matt Damon, called “The Martian”, we read the book of it. The book was very good and is a little bit different from the movie as usual the book goes into more detail. It is probably my favourite book that I was ever told I have to read it for school work, and do mini book reports through the unit.

The second picture is not what I did but that’s just me 😉.  We learned about geography in humanities and ecology in science, we had to make a video including both topics. In science we doing tons and tons of notes, and then doing quizzes every once in a while between each set of notes. The ecology part was learning about organisms and habitats and things like that it wasn’t really to complicated, but it was a lot to take in. The geography was all focused on Canada, we learned about different regions like the Canadian Shield, fun fact the Canadian Shield covers half of Canada. This unit was also a lot to take in because of all the different regions in Canada, mostly becuase it is the second largest country in the world behind Russia.

Before we could get started on the video, we had to write a whole story, mine is over 2,240 words, some people wrote more then that. At first I thought that we had to make a video for each episode that we wrote, you might ask how many episodes there are, there are 8. That would take so long, I was so relieved to find out I only had to do one video on as many episodes as I felt nesscary. I decided that the most important part of my story was episodes 6,7,8. That part of the story was all of the climax to the ending. This is the Book.

At first the whole unit seemed really overwhelming and I wasn’t sure where to start, but once I got the ball rolling everything seemed to click, sure there were a couple times where it was a time crunch. That is basically everything that happened in this unit here is my video, eh.


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