My Fairytale, Eh

Now here is another assignment that we did in class. It was in Health and Career, and our teacher decided to have us make a video. The topic for the video is a fariytale story of my life. Too start off the video you had to give a small amount of background to yourself. Then you had to add stuff that you wish or dream to do in the your life. For the rest of the assignment we had to do these quizzes from work BC, to see what it predicted I should do for a job. Personally I don’t think I should have gotten these types of jobs but that’s just me.

I am not interested really in those jobs at all. The job that I would like to have when I have would be Chemical Engineer. I chose that because I would like to pursue something that envolves math and science, another reason is that it pays well😉, and we all know that thats a plus. Before I could get that job I would like to go to a good University, Cal Tech would be cool but that there acceptance rate isn’t exactly high, its hovering somewhere around 8%. My more realistic University that I would like to go to that isn’t nearly as expensive is McGill, yes it is one 5 Canadian Ivy League schools, but my plan is shoot for the moon land amongst the stars. It also is a little bit easier to get into with an acceptance rate of 46% which my opinion should make things a lot easier, but then again it’s still gonna be tough.  Another part of the assignment is to create a timeline of 10 things in your past, but I added in my future as well.

That was most of the assignment but the main par was the video which was the summary of the whole topic that we were focusing on. Here is my video.

That was my Fairytale, Eh what’s yours Eh.

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