Russian Science Lab, Eh

In science class we were doing a very simple unit on Safety. We had to make a safety video in a group. It had to have some humour involved but still get the points across of what to do and what not to do. My group decided to base it off a Russian lab, so one of my group memebers used a Russian accent to narrate the video. I was going to do it but I was the main person who was in the video and we needed to spread around who did what.   Here is the video.

If you don’t know who I am, I’m the idiot wearing the goggles the wrong way. It was a lot of fun and I would do this project again. This is the first time that this blog hasn’t been all canadian, eh.

Camp Capilano, Eh

Back during the first week of school my teachers decided to take us on a overnight field trip. The field trip wasn’t very far away, it is a place called Camp Capilano. Before we went to the camp we went to the Cleveland Dam. We then did our first project which was to create characters for an intro to a T.V. Show like the beginning of The Amazing Race, or Master Chef, and even Big Brother has a intro like that. It was basically a short little clip that explained what kind of person they were in a very short period of time.


That is what the view from the park.

The teachers then told us to hike to the camp which none of us knew where it was. So they showed us on a map where to walk on the trail to get to it. After we hiked for a short time we found it then we sat outside for a while, then we were called in to have burritos. We all had our burritos and then were told that we had to do another project. Which was similar to the first one but we weren’t allowed to use visual we only had audio to work with. We stuck with similar characters so we didn’t have to change the story and spend time on that. We also we encouraged to add background music and because the way iMovie works and how we ran out of time we have Cody Simpsons Album Cover through the whole clip.

The main thing I learned from that is that I can do a pretty good fat Albert impression. After that we were given a brake and were aloud to go into the pool for an hour. We got to relax for a little while but as most good things it came to an end and we were given our final project.

That video took a long time as we stayed up late and woke up early to get it done. I was then exhausted, but we had one more stop, are teachers decided to take us to the hatchery. We were there for a short time we then had lunch and finally went home. Even after all of that I still had to go to work. 6 hours later I was passed out in my bed.

That was my field trip to Camp Capilano, eh.

Why WWI Began, Eh

In class are assignment was to create a thesis about how the First World War or the Great War started. Everybody had to read about watch a couple videos to learn about how it began and then we worked in groups to develop the best thesis. I worked on it with my classmate Leonard and Bill well technically there names are Ryan and Will. We decided to focus on two things that started the war one was leading up to it and the other was the final straw.

We decided that the biggest event that caused the Great War was the Assasination of Franz Ferdinand. Here is our thesis: Ferdinand was the last event in a series of other bad events that led to WW1 starting. He was one of the only high ranking people in europe that opposed war. Once he was killed it took away almost all chances of stopping the War from starting. Ferdinand wanted Serbia and Austria Hungary to be allies but when he was killed by a Serbian that was the final and what turned into the trigger for WW1.

If you didn’t notice that there were multiple pictures of the same person then you should probably get your eyes checked , either that or you just werent paying attention. It is called a tableau, so basically we took multiple photos of the same person in different positions and then leonard used photoshop and put it all together, it wasn’t super complicated if you’re more or less used to photoshop. He also added flags at the end just to clarify it better.

If you look really hard you might be able to see a faint silhouette of a face in the back of the car. It kinda looks creepy but hes there if you look hard enough.  Oh and by the way Will blames WWI on the driver.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals, Eh

Now that it is the beginning of the school year we have been ask to make goals, more specifically 3 S.M.A.R.T.  Goals. A SMART goal is a goal that is SPECIFIC MESURABLE ATTAINABLE RIGOROUS and TRACKABLE. I think you get the point, anyways I previously mentioned we had to do 3 of them, each of them different. The first one is about something inside of school, the second is something that has to improve your character, and finally the third one which is something that you can improve that does not involve school. Here are my goals.

Those are my recordings, I also have to relate each picture to my goals. The first one which was the in school goal was a picture of me doing school work to show that I am going to be more focused on keeping my grades up to my standard.

The next one was focused on my character which and I chose to make my goal focused on making my time management better so I chose a picture of me wearing a watch.








The last one was for outside of school, so I decided to focus on physical fitness, and to represent that I found a picture of me throwing a football.

Those were my three goals that I made for the year, so now I should focus on completing them.