Camp Capilano, Eh

Back during the first week of school my teachers decided to take us on a overnight field trip. The field trip wasn’t very far away, it is a place called Camp Capilano. Before we went to the camp we went to the Cleveland Dam. We then did our first project which was to create characters for an intro to a T.V. Show like the beginning of The Amazing Race, or Master Chef, and even Big Brother has a intro like that. It was basically a short little clip that explained what kind of person they were in a very short period of time.


That is what the view from the park.

The teachers then told us to hike to the camp which none of us knew where it was. So they showed us on a map where to walk on the trail to get to it. After we hiked for a short time we found it then we sat outside for a while, then we were called in to have burritos. We all had our burritos and then were told that we had to do another project. Which was similar to the first one but we weren’t allowed to use visual we only had audio to work with. We stuck with similar characters so we didn’t have to change the story and spend time on that. We also we encouraged to add background music and because the way iMovie works and how we ran out of time we have Cody Simpsons Album Cover through the whole clip.

The main thing I learned from that is that I can do a pretty good fat Albert impression. After that we were given a brake and were aloud to go into the pool for an hour. We got to relax for a little while but as most good things it came to an end and we were given our final project.

That video took a long time as we stayed up late and woke up early to get it done. I was then exhausted, but we had one more stop, are teachers decided to take us to the hatchery. We were there for a short time we then had lunch and finally went home. Even after all of that I still had to go to work. 6 hours later I was passed out in my bed.

That was my field trip to Camp Capilano, eh.

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