Safety in the Work Place, Eh

In school we learned about working safe because there are many incidents every year that change peoples lives that could be prevented. I personally have a job and havent heard of anything life changing but one really bad burn. Most of the dangers at my work are common sense, and if there not you are told what to do.

We learned about your rights as an employee for example, you do not have to do something if you feel it is unsafe. As this a very important subject our  teacher made sure we knew this is by making us fill out these multiple choice tests that had answers embedded in the reading. we also watched a video about people who had gone through life changing expierences.

I found that a couple of those incidents weren’t that easy to prevent, but some of those were just complete lack of common sense. If you watched the video you would know that someone stuck there hand in a moving machine, like come one you have to be kidding me its like one of the most stupid ideas there is. I work in a kitchen so thats like the equivelant of me sticking my hand in the deep fryer when its on. Just from that one incident it proves common sense isn’t so common.

This photo basically explains how I feel when one of my friends does something stupid.

For the final assignment of this unit, we were instructed to make a visual that involves something that we learned this unit. I decided to make an ad.

I chose to use Work Safe BC because it is where we got a lot of our information from. I found that it looked like a pretty official ad except the photo is a bit overkill.

I found that I learned quite a bit from this unit, and I will be using the information at work now. I don’t believe that I will run into any major incidents as long as I do what is instructed and do my job properly.

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