Chemistry, Eh

This past unit in science, we have been learning about chemistry. We got to learn about many things, ranging from balancing equations to covalent bonds. I was really interested to learn about chemistry this unit as the job that I would like to do is Chemical Engineering. Obviously you can tell by the name of the job title that it involves chemistry. Anyways that motivated to me to try and learn about chemistry for this unit.

Before this unit I did not know much about chemistry, as I had not been taught much about it until now. I said earlier that we learned about covalent bonds and balancing equations and a lot of other things in between, well at the end of the unit we had to show what we knew about chemistry. This is my mind map.

During the chemistry unit we did a lot of worksheets but, we also had to focus on a project that would be due at the end of the unit. For the project I got paired up with one of my friends Aiden, and we had the task of having to create a video with characters in it creating a chemical reaction. The characters in the video had to be elements like Oxygen, Lithium, etc. The way we started was by picking a chemical reaction then figuring out what the chemical equation was and then making a story about it. However, we also had the option to do a chemical reaction which I regret not doing as I think I would have enjoyed it more. One of my other friends Ryan did the reaction click on eh to see his blog post.

(Insert Video Here)

At the end of the unit I realized that I had kind of struggled through this unit as I don’t feel that I learned as much as I could of. I almost wish that I could do it over again but, that would mean more school and I am not doing that.

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