DI Provinicals, Eh

As you can tell by the title of this blog post, it has happened. Yes DI provincials has passed, and I am much happier without this stress on my back. My group and I yet again had to prepare for a tournament, but this time instead of it being at our school it was out in Surrey, BC. I don’t think anybody was excited to drive to Surrey as it is not exactly the closest place to where we live.  If you havent seen my blog post on regionals here it is.

DI Regionals 2018, Eh

My group as you know were doing the improv challenge, and to become better we decided to study our characters better so that each one of us could play any character. What we did is we used flash cards and studied them over spring break, memorizing each characters traits. It was fairly boring as it was the same thing over and over again, but at least it worked to the point where we basically had each flash card ingrained into our brains. That kind of gave me a knew way of studying for the future, as I have never used flash cards to study. After spring break was over we checked each other to see if we all new the characters. Before we did that we noticed that one team member wasn’t there, and they werent there because they got food poisoning while they were in Africa. We eventually found out that she was too week to participate in the tournament, so we now only had a group of 3. We then tried to adjust and adapt to that Idea and tried to think of ways we could do the act without all four people.

The day finally came but, I was sick, so I wasn’t able to go and I had to tell my group members I couldn’t go. They definitely weren’t extactic about it as it is not news they want to hear. I stayed home and didmn’t go but the other two group members went the tournament. We didn’t exactly do well in the standings. We ended up coming 5th out of 5 for improv, which is definitely not what we wanted. However I am very happy we are finally done and don’t have to do it again, I think, you never know I might do it another year. As much stress as it has put on me it has still been a learning experience, as I am a little bit more comfortable with improv but, I still hate it. I also have felt I’ve learned more about team work while doing this even though I didn’t show up for the Provinical tournament. Lastly, I was asked to review an article about Destination Imagination. The article states that people who do DI are more creative and better at problem solving. I sort of agree becuase, generally people who do DI are more creative people. The reason why I say that is because people tend to do things that they are good at. If you are still confused, I have one other way fo saying it, here it is: saying people who do DI are creative and good at problem solving is like saying people who play sports are athletic. Thankfully, I am finally done with DI and hopefully you will never see a blog post with DI in the name again.

Group Memebers: Sydney, Willa, Kyle.

Categories: DI

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