My Summer Blog Post, Eh

I had a great summer and the thing about saying “had” means that I have to go back to school… yah I have to go back to school which is a bit of a bummer. I knew that it would happen but not so fast😥😭😭😭😭😭😪.  Okay, got that out of my system let’s talk about the awesome memories.

Let’s start with my job. Throughout the summer I worked up at a golf course/ restaurant called “Northlands Golf Course”. I work as a dishwasher, it may sound like it’s a crappy job but I don’t mind it and I like the people I work with which makes up for some of the grunt work I do. I worked a lot of shifts this summer and I worked five days a week and one double shift after I got back from Whistler.

Whistler was awesome because my brothers also came which was a lot of fun. We went bike riding three of the days which was pretty cool because, I got to all of the lakes and swam in most of them.  We also went golfing with other family members and family friends which was a lot of fun, even though I’m not that great at golfing.


Most of the summer I stayed at home. The worst about being at home was, my parents made me do… math, that was definitely the worst part about my summer, my dad said it was necessary because my brain was mush. I worked some more although I did go down to deep cove and jumped off the peer once.


I didn’t go on many trips this summer because I am going on more this year like on October 5  I am going to New York, and then in the spring I am going to Asia, so at least I’ve got a lot of things to look forward to this school year.


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