Finally Done the Steampunk Project, Eh

Yay were finally done the Steampunk Project, well mostly we still have to show our final draft to our teachers and show that it wasn’t a complete fail. Our teachers actually told us that this was an epic fail on there part, but in our class

F.A.I.L. Stands for First. Attempt. In. Learning.

So its not as bad as people usually think a fail is. On that note lets get into the actuall project itself, our project worked pretty horribly for most of the duration of time we were working on it. Now it works which is awesome, most of the time… Anyways the last couple of days that we have been working on it, it has been a mad scramble in class to get it done some people were so far away from it working some people making it work before just about everybody. We ended up re painting it, heres a picture.



(Sorry that its sideways)






That is the new paint job there used to be more silver and bronze but we diecided to make it more black. We also had to make a video on the revolution and the machine and how they connect, our whole group spoke in it, and a lot of it shows a whiteboard and drawing with somebody talking over it.

That video basically explains the whole project and everything you need to know “aboot” the project . So have a good day eh!

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