Trigonometry, Eh

Just recently in math class  we did a project using trigonometry. After the whole unit of learning how to figure out side lengths and angles on a right triangle. While we learning everything we were working on this project to figure out the optimum angle for a solar panel. We had to choose any place on earth it didn’t matter just as long as the math was correct. I chose Iqaluit its in Nunavut, Canada. It’s a very cold place in Northern Canada.


The main thing we learned in the Unit was SOHCAHTOA, which is the main way to figure out side lengths and angles. That’s what I used after I figured out the optimal angle for my solar panel. I decided on how long I wanted the base to be and I just needed one angle and one side length and I figured out the rest using that one way.

When I was younger I thought cause trigonometry was a hard type of math because its a big word, it turns out once you get the hang of it its fairly easy as its mostly punching things into your calculator. One thing I know will be hard though is calulus. As it turns out the career I want to pursue forces me to do calulus so yayyyyy…

My project went fairly well as I got a decent mark, my angles and side lengths were correct. Now I hope I did not bore you with math,eh.

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