The Golden Ratio, Eh

Our most recent project that we have done in math was, a project based off of the golden ratio. You probably dont really know what the godlen ratio is so, I will explain it. The golden ratio is a special number in mathematics. It is most easily recognized for its 1:1.6 ratio, which you can find in rectangles. It is also recognized for its spiral which is found in art and photography. Some people believe that the universe was built around it, as it is found almost everywhere. That is the most simple explanatation I have of it.

After my classmates and I learned about what it was, we were told to invovle the golden ratio in a project. That could range from doing surveys asking what picture is the most attractive, with one being a golden ratio or something like that. Another option would be to create an image or object that invovled it. I personally chose that route, just because I didn’t exactly feel like doing a survey and doing several write ups. I would much rather draw something and do one write up.  Now I will show you what I wrote for my write up:

The purpose of this submission is to showcase the golden ratio and how it is observed in everyday items, the item that I have chosen is a container ship sailing on rough seas. It demonstrates examples of the golden ratio in it. That includes, a wave, clouds, and various parts of the ship. The clouds are made up of only the golden spiral, repeated over and over again linking together. The wave is one golden spiral coming out of the ocean towards the ship. The containers, each section of the containers is a golden ratio, and each container is a golden ratio. The bridge of the ship is also made up of a spiral from the golden ratio, and below it part of the tower that holds it up is a golden ratio.

Now I will point out the golden ratios.

There are acutally many golden ratios in that photo that I did not point out like the rest of the clouds are golden ratios, and every single container is a golden ratio.

This project was very interesting, and I have done nothing quite like it, in math especially.  Doing this project has given me something else to think about, as some people believe that it is the centre of the universe. Other than that I don’t know what else to think of this project other than the fact that it was very intriguing.


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