Blue Sky… Again

As you can see in the title, we had another Blue Sky exhibition. Normally we would just do the same old thing, but this time it was completely different. Instead of making our own project by ourselves and making something that will have prototypes and all that, we decided to make a play/walk through that is sort of interactive. It’s hard to exactly explain what we actually did becuase it was a massive production with many different moving parts. The only way we could do this is by working together in one big group, so our whole class of 18 people got together to complete this massive task.

Our teachers told us very little but the main thing we had to focus on was by linking a book that we read the Crucible, which is about the Salem which trials, we linked that to the 1950’s and how communism was effecting the world, to today. It seems like a lot, and it is, but I thought we could handle it. We started brainstorming all of the basic things, which was our story. We had to think what were going to be the most effective ways of getting across all of the information we wanted to. We thought that the guides touring everybody around should be communist spy’s, without the touring group knowing. The first scene was a Eisenhower speech, as it represented and explained what the state of the U.S. was in. They then would move on to a typical family home, to reinforce the time period and also add extra information that was needed. The third scene was a communism rally where two people are trying to get the crowd to become communists. Right after that they would move on to my scene. This scene showed two people in the army walking up to a house where they knocked on the door and informed an army WWII veteran that he was going to have to go back to war. He would eventually give in but then the guide would try and prevent this from happening and that would start a heated arguement with many acccusations. The scene after mine was a play in Hollywood where they talked about the McCarthy trials and how many stars were being accused of being a communist. A police officer barges into the scene and arrests the guide. That leads to the next scene where  Joseph McCarthy has the guide on the trial and he talks about all of the things that guide did that made him look like a communist.

That was the basis of what we were doing. We then listened everything that we had to do including: building everything for sets, writing a detailed script for each scene, and making costumes. I was tasked on being a part of set design. I was happy to be working there as I felt I fit better there rather than anywhere else. We first had to figure out how big the gym was so we used a massive measuring tape. We then thought about all of the materials we were going to need for the basic props, the most commonly said thing was “bring cardboard”. Forgot to say this earlier but the teachers are doing almost nothing at this point except for reminding us of certain objectives and checking in on our ideas. Once we got the materials we started building everything. A lot of it was just painting, and I a lot of it, I actually still have paint on a pair of shoes, a shirt and a couple pairs of pants. It took a long time and I started to get worried we weren’t going to be able finish everything.

Finally came the day of the Exhibiton, we started building right after school. Almost as soon as we started building something went wrong, one of the few things we needed desperately wasn’t working. It was a movable wall that would seperate the gym in half perfectly. It was not moving at all, so we decided that we would take some curtains and jerry rig them across the whole gym. That was very stressful and I was freaking out while trying to fix a massive problem. In the end I think it looked better than the wall would. Everything was set up fine after that but then I had to get dressed, this was the worst part of the night. Everything was to small in every area, I was wearing boots that were 3 sizes too small. The pants were tight and so was everything else. I was in so much pain with every movement I made especially walking.

That was really all that happened that night, and it was a lot more fun and less stressful than I thought it was going to be. I learned a lot in this expierience. Normally I have a hard time retaining all of the information. This was different I think because of the way we learned, I think that helped me learn everything in a new way, and it is a way that made it so I won’t forget the important facts and information I learned. It was definitely one of the best learning expierences I have ever had, and here is our production.

Blue Sky Again, Eh

Yet again I have done a Blue Sky project. It is actually crazy to think about  but this is the 6th that I have done. This year was basically like any other, I had to come up with a project to do that I could show at a Exhibiton, although this year there were some constraints. This year our teacher wanted us to focus on some development goals based that came from the UN. Of course we weren’t planning on solving world hunger, so we tackled there goals on a smaller, more local scale.

The goal that my group and I were interested in was number 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities. For my project I was in a group as you could do a group project or a project by youself but, a couple of my friends and I crafted an idea together, and we believed that it was enough work to split into 4 people. My group and I decided on improving the public transit system, as we believe that there were areas that could be better. The reason we chose to focus on public transit was becuase in Vancouver, there is a lot of congestion in traffic becuase, the city has a fairly high population for it’s size. That is why the traffic is not very good here, another negative to having that many cars on the road is that it creates a lot of carbon emissions. We believed that if we could get more people out of there cars and into buses it would reduce carbon emissions and congestion. We basically focused on what would make buses more attractive to the average person. In my group of 4, two of us worked on making the buses almost more luxurious kind of like a first class bus. The other to worked on making a better bus route that would be more attainable and useful for most people.

To do this project we have to go through a process, we call this process the L.A.U.N.C.H. Cycle. As you can see, that is an acronym, and that acronym stands for:

L-Look, listen, and learn – Goal: Awareness, seeing a problem and having a sense of empathy
A–Ask tons of questions – Goal: Sparked by curiosity, leads to understanding the process or problem.
U–Understand the problem or process – Goal: Use authentic research experience (interviews, analyzing data, articles, watching videos)
N–Navigate ideas – Goal: Brainstorm, combine, analyze, and navigate ideas to generate a concept for what they might create
C–Create a prototype – Goal: Could be an action, digital work, tangible project, work of art, or event
H–Highlight and fix – Goal: Fix what is failing, for every mistake brings you closer to your final product

Since I have done Blue Sky 6 times now that acronym has been engraved into my brain. That seems like it would also be a long process, but we did it in about two weeks. It was a bit of a shorter of a timeline than last year, so we basically sped the process up a bit more. Most of the project was a mad scramble trying to get everything done on time.

Of course we started with look, listen and learn part of the project which I have already talked about previously in this post. We also asked tons of questions to actually figure what we wanted to do and that was figuring out what are some of the problems in Vancouver, and that was traffic congestion. The next step was to acutally figure out and understand what we had to actually do to complete this project in the short timeline. That is why we decided to split it into two projects for 4 people. All four of us talked for most of a class to figure out what we were going to do, we had man different ideas before we finally settled. We then moved onto creating our first prototype. Our first prototype was just a drawing of what we were going to create. We then moved onto our second prototype which had to be something that was physical.  We then for the third prototype had to create our final product but, once we were done that prototype we had to fix and improve it to make it ready for the exhibiton. Now that I’ve told you the process of this project I will now show you what I actually did.

As you can see that is my partner and I’s first prototype. Probably the  first thing you notice is that it is a chair. The reason for that is tha my partner and I decided to focus on how to make the inside of a bus more attractive. We decided to focus on the chairs becuase you can change them many ways and they aren’t the best chairs in the world either. We then created another prototype that was a lego model of that. It doesnt really look to much different, but the final product is the prototype where everything came together and we created a pretty solid chair. Another thing to add to our project was that I tried to show all of the negative things about driving and I did that by doing a small write up and creating a chart. Here is that information:

What are the Positives to Not Driving?

The problem at hand that we are focusing on is the amount of congestion and carbon emissions in Vancouver. We believe a lot of that has to do with the fact that once people get their drivers licence, they do not use public transit. These past couple of weeks we have been thinking about what will attract people to use public transit more often. We came up with the idea of making a more luxurious bus. That essentially means creating a “First Class Bus”. We have made it more comfortable by completely changing the bus seats, and adding more room per passenger. There are also some negatives to driving cars, such as you cant multi task, you have to find a parking spot and sometimes pay for one, and every once in a while you might have to deal with road rage.We have also decided that a lot of people would get out of their cars and into buses if they new they were saving money, and I have decided to show you exactly how much money you are saving. To calculate how much it cost to drive, I took into account: insurance, gas, yearly, maintenance, and cost of the car. Some of the things I did not take into account was the cost of accidents, from minor fender benders all the way up to complete write offs.

This was all based on average costs in Canada.

That was my project that I did this year for Blue Sky. I feel that it is probably the best one that I have done yet. I think that has to do with the fact that I was very engaged the entire time I did this project, as this topic was very interesting to me.

Renewable Energy, Eh

Not too long ago in Sci-Mathics class, I was up into a group given the idea of creating something that can turn on a light using renewable energy. I was put into a group of four. We immediately started thinking of the best ways to create a renewable energy source.

We ended up moving towards the idea of creating a water wheel. We tried making many different versions of it but, basically every single one didn’t work. We probably went through 4 different designs before actually coming to one that that actually worked. We made the water wheel out of everyday  materials. It consisted of solo cups, a plastic container, PVC pipe, and a lot of glue.

Every model we made before either, didn’t rotate,  was too complicated, or wasnt strong enough. We found that this design was the best because it was sturdy and held together fairly well, and wasn’t complicated at all, and the solo cups were large enough to hold lots of water to rotate it.

After we were done building it, we were given another task. That task happens to be that we had to create a video advertisement for our product. We had to basically show all of the science behind and explain why you should buy this. In reality nobody would buy it as it can only just turn on a LED light but, it can charge a phone, it just takes you like the whole day to do so.  We made the video without much problem, two of our group memebers were in the video itself, one person edited it, and I did the voice over in a corny voice. It was the most awkward thing to record ever.

The project was lots of fun to do, and I am proud of what my group members and I created.


This past unit in humanities has been centred around The Second World War. It was definitely one fo the more interesting units that I have ever done, as there was so much information packed into such small period of time. We were told that our end product was going to be a website. The website would be about the different perspectives of WWII, the persepectives would come from the view of each country. There was several different options to do your reasearch in a group on country’s who played major roles in the war but, if you wanted to you could go on your own and do reasearch on a country that wasnt on the list. I requested to do my reasearch on Canada, I now regret that decision as I already knew quite a bit about Canadas involvement in the war and I think it would have been a better decision to learn about another country.

Besides making the website, we learned about the war in general and all fo the battles. One of the most interesting battles that we focused on was Dunkirk. In the evacutation of Dunkirk, the German Forces had backed the French up against the English Channel. The French were completley surrounded with nowhere to go. The british decided to do an evacuation by sea. The rounded up basically every boat that could go through the English Channel. There were hundreds of boats from pleasure crafts to ferrrys and even fishing boats. Two days after the evacuation started the Luftwaffe bombed the port of Dunkirk, whihc made the evacuation much more difficult. On June 4th, 1940 the evacuation was completed after saving 340,000 people, which was much more than they thought they could ever achieve. ALthough the evacuation was succesful, France surrendered to Germany on the 22nd of June.

Another thing we did was do a book review on one of three books we had to choose form that involved World War 2. I made a blog post on that not too long ago here it is.

Unbroken Book Reveiw, Eh

One of the more intersting portions of this unit was the fact that our class got to interview a German War Veteran. It was so cool to just meet one in general but getting to talk to him about his expierence was completley unreal. The person we interviewed was is Helmut Lemke, as I said he is a War Veteran that fought for Germany, he fought on the eastern front against the USSR. Helmut is also involved with this program called the Historica Memory Project. It was definitely one of the coolest things I have ever done, after we interviewed him we each took a piece of the recording we took of him and made a small podcast out of it.

One of the more boring parts of this unit was learning how to cite videos, websites, and books. It was mandatory as we needed to do it properly on our website. Which now brings me to how we created our website. We used Weebly to make the website as our teacher thought that was the best way to do it as she had created websites previously with Weebly. We later found out that Weebly is super glitchy to use on an iPad, so ended up doing basically on our iPads and then sending it to a computer where we put the info into the website. My group and I evenly split up the work of the website where each one of us would do two pages or so, as there were three of us and we needed to do somewhere around six pages. Instead of me explaining what we did for each individual page I will just show you what we did.

Perspectives of WWII

This unit was one of my favourites and I really enjoyed doing the research on my country, as I found some very interesting information that I would not have found if I didn’t do this unit. I don’t know if I would change anything except maybe explore different website builders for the iPad as Weebly was not ideal. As I said before this was one of the most interesting and engaging units I have ever done. I feel that I have learned a lot from this unit not just in what happened but, I feel that I view the world a bit differently. One of the main things that has changed my worldview was Helmut Lemke, and I quote “No one wins a war”. That single phrase completley changed how I thought about war, because he was completley right, no one does win a war, every country involved lost something. WWII caused every country that fought in it to lose lives, either civilians or soldiers. That was the biggest thing that I took away from this unit.

DI Regionals 2018, Eh

I have talked about Destination Imagination a couple other times, as I have consistently been in the tournament since I was in grade 8. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of DI is stress, mainly because I don’t enjoy it too much as it is essentially a project on steroids. Projects stress me out so naturally one that is one steroids will stress me out more than usual. Although, I am doing it becuase it is good for my growth as a learner and a person and, my teachers are making me do it.

I ended getting put into the last category I could possibly want to be in, which is, improv. I personally hate public speaking to begin with, acting is on a whole other level, then improv is way beyond that just because, you have to think on your feet and create everything in the moment. I always like to have a plan that is quite strict, so if I do public speaking, I will end up making script of some sort on the topic that I have to talk about, and I will read it over constantly. Acting is much worse because you have to change your emotions depending on the script which is adding complexity. With improv, There is not much planning I am able to do, except for practice improv itself. I got so stressed out that before the tournament, I developed a virus that caused my toungue to be inflamed thus causing me to have a lisp. I could only talk like “thith”. I was not able to pronounce my ch’s or my S’s. Everybody was teaseing me as I could barely talk, It got onnoying pretty quickly. I was only praying not to have it on the day of regionals.

Worst case scenario happened, I had the lisp on the day of DI regionals. The past few days leading up to that day I had noticed how often S’s were used in sentences. It came down to our presentation and I had to figure out a way to roll with the lisp. Instead of ignoring it and having it be an obvious onnoying factor in the skit, I decided to turn it into comedy. I ended up being a “ghoth with a lithp”. People thought it was funny as I ended up having to say words like “thubmarine”. It was funny now that I look back on it but during the show it was torture for me. I pushed through it and we ended up doing well, we ended up coming in first place for our age group. We also did well in the instant challenge and we came first in our category.

Disruption, Eh

This is now going to be my third and most likely final blog post on California, as I have made to others about my trip to California with my class. I did one about what we did everyday on our trip, and the other I did on High Tech High.  Anyways this next one is about the main reason why we went to California. The main reason why we went there is becuase California has many different examples of Disruption, starting from the San Diego Zoo all the way to Twitter HQ in San Francisco. What I am going to be focusing on is aircraft carriers, as my friend and I did a project on how it has disrupted Naval Warfare. The place that we got our information from was the USS Midway which is in San Diego California. It is now a museum becuase it has become obsolete as it has Diesel engines, and now ships are switching over to nucleur powered engines.

Anyways, I will now give you a background on the midway. The midway was the first aircraft carrier built after WWI, and just to give you an idea of big it is, it holds 4,000 crew 90 planes. It is also 296m long and weighs 45,000 metric tons. It is basically a floating city. It also went through a couple of changes, as instead of having an angled deck like you see in the photo above, it used to have a straight deck. The british came up with the idea to have an angle deck, as it allows the planes to land with less risk, and other planes were able to take off at the same time. After a couple of years the ship had been modified and it was back out on the water. Learning all of this before I went to California made me super intrigued and excited to learn more about while we were on the ship.

After we were came back from California, we had to get prepared for an essay we were going to write on disruption. We spent a week preparing, which sounds like a lot of time, but before you know it, it’s already time to write it. Here is my essay:

Historical Disruption
of Technology
Ethan Dennis

    Technology has been in a constant state of disruption that has affected all of our lives in many different ways. It has affected the military throughout WWI and also at the end of WWII. It also has helped people’s causes around the world and it could have helped the hippies rebel more successfully. Rivalries in the tech world have also caused a disruption, as the top tech companies are always competing to make the newest and best thing. The pace of change is going at a faster and faster rate and as a result technology is constantly changing the world.

    In both World Wars planes were a key component in changing how the wars were fought. At the beginning of WWI planes were used to scout their enemy’s, but by the end of the war they were used in dogfights and they had machine guns attached to them. Naval ships could only shoot 15 miles with their large guns, but once aircraft carriers were introduced they were able to hit a target that its hundreds of miles away. When pearl harbour happened it wasn’t as catastrophic as people thought. Although lives were lost, all of the ships that were sunk were now obsolete as the new super power had just been introduced, aircraft carriers.

   In the 60’s the youth were known as hippies and back then they did not have the technology we do today. The hippies were known for rebelling against the government, and established norms, and protesting to large extent, but they did that all by word of mouth. In Little Brother the main character did something similar but, he had technology on his side. He was able to use something called xnet to communicate with people instead of using word of mouth. This was much faster and way more efficient then using word of mouth. If the hippies had something similar to technology they could have been more successful, because they failed without it.

   Apple and Microsoft have always had an intense rivalry. Although they both took two different approaches to computers. Microsoft focused solely on software, while Apple focused on hardware as well. Bill Gates knew that he only had to make a software once, and license it to other computer companies such as IBM and HP. This made it so that Microsoft would spend less and make more. Even though they took different approaches to computers, they still were competing to innovate faster than each other, and some times they even built off of each other. This caused the technology to progress at a much faster rate.

I have shared with you three different examples starting at the beginning of the 20th Century, of how technology has changed our society’s. I talked about how human conflict in World Wars, has caused people to innovate and change how wars were fought. That was done through improving weapons and transportation. The youth in the 60’s were known as hippies, and they rebelled against the government, but they did not have technology to their advantage which could have immensely improved their results as they failed without it. The last topic I focused on was how the advent of the two Steve’s and Bill Gates with Paul Allen shaped the world with new innovative ideas, which in result has kept changing the world since they started their companies. Now if you think about the industrial revolution, we are currently in a bigger faster version of that, which is causing our world to be smaller, faster, and more dynamic then ever before.

Both of those assignments were great for basically the same reason. The video I made took what I had learned and put it into a descriptive video form. After watching it just shows how much I had learned on that ship. The essay on the other hand took what I had learned and put it on a piece of paper. While I was done proofreading it, I kind of took a step back and went “Holy crap!” I learned so much in just the span of 9 days. It kind of blew my mind and I am hoping that in the future I will have the oppuritunity to learn that much in that amount of time again.

Everyone Has a Story, Eh

To end the year we did a very interesting project, and it is also a lot different then the past Blue Sky Exhibitions I have done. For a while, the only thing we knew about it was, that we were going to be working with the grade 12’s(if you didn’t know, I am in grade 10). That was the only thing we knew for weeks, we constantly were prodding our teachers for information, until finally, they told us what we were going to do. The first thing they told us was that this unit was going to be based off of something called story corps. They then told us that we were going to make 3 podcasts in the span of about 3-4 weeks. Starting off with one that involved the grade 10 interviewing the grade 12, but first we actually had to meet our partner grade 12. Apparently the grade 12’s selected their grade 10. I don’t know how they selected us but they did, although I thought it would be funny if they drafted us like it was the NFL. Anyways like I said the first podcast had to involve interviewing the grade 12(Oh and by the way my grade 12’s name is Tom). Tom and I immidiatly started brainstorming questions that i could ask him that could pull a story out of him. Right after we made 10 or so questions, we went and found a quiet place in the school. I interviewed him, went home and editid it, and this is my product that I got from it.

The next podcast involved the grade 10 interviewing a family member or family friend of some sort. I chose one of my long time family friends that have known me for as longa as I have been alive. The person who I intervieweds name is Brian Webster. I know him because he and his wife are very good friends with my parents. I interviewed him about his job becuase I only knew a little bit about it, so I asked him ten or so questions that would get a story out of him.

Now lastly we had our final podcast that we had to make. That one was going to begin on the night of the exhibiton. That meant that we were going to interview 3 people who went to the exhibiton that the Grade 10 has never met. The person who I found had the most interesting story was John Sushams, who happens to be grade 12 partners dad.

Those were all the podcasts that we had to do, and it was probably one of my more favourite blue sky projects that I have ever done. I am also very excited to see what it is like to be the grade 12 for that project.

The Golden Ratio, Eh

Our most recent project that we have done in math was, a project based off of the golden ratio. You probably dont really know what the godlen ratio is so, I will explain it. The golden ratio is a special number in mathematics. It is most easily recognized for its 1:1.6 ratio, which you can find in rectangles. It is also recognized for its spiral which is found in art and photography. Some people believe that the universe was built around it, as it is found almost everywhere. That is the most simple explanatation I have of it.

After my classmates and I learned about what it was, we were told to invovle the golden ratio in a project. That could range from doing surveys asking what picture is the most attractive, with one being a golden ratio or something like that. Another option would be to create an image or object that invovled it. I personally chose that route, just because I didn’t exactly feel like doing a survey and doing several write ups. I would much rather draw something and do one write up.  Now I will show you what I wrote for my write up:

The purpose of this submission is to showcase the golden ratio and how it is observed in everyday items, the item that I have chosen is a container ship sailing on rough seas. It demonstrates examples of the golden ratio in it. That includes, a wave, clouds, and various parts of the ship. The clouds are made up of only the golden spiral, repeated over and over again linking together. The wave is one golden spiral coming out of the ocean towards the ship. The containers, each section of the containers is a golden ratio, and each container is a golden ratio. The bridge of the ship is also made up of a spiral from the golden ratio, and below it part of the tower that holds it up is a golden ratio.

Now I will point out the golden ratios.

There are acutally many golden ratios in that photo that I did not point out like the rest of the clouds are golden ratios, and every single container is a golden ratio.

This project was very interesting, and I have done nothing quite like it, in math especially.  Doing this project has given me something else to think about, as some people believe that it is the centre of the universe. Other than that I don’t know what else to think of this project other than the fact that it was very intriguing.


Trigonometry, Eh

Just recently in math class  we did a project using trigonometry. After the whole unit of learning how to figure out side lengths and angles on a right triangle. While we learning everything we were working on this project to figure out the optimum angle for a solar panel. We had to choose any place on earth it didn’t matter just as long as the math was correct. I chose Iqaluit its in Nunavut, Canada. It’s a very cold place in Northern Canada.


The main thing we learned in the Unit was SOHCAHTOA, which is the main way to figure out side lengths and angles. That’s what I used after I figured out the optimal angle for my solar panel. I decided on how long I wanted the base to be and I just needed one angle and one side length and I figured out the rest using that one way.

When I was younger I thought cause trigonometry was a hard type of math because its a big word, it turns out once you get the hang of it its fairly easy as its mostly punching things into your calculator. One thing I know will be hard though is calulus. As it turns out the career I want to pursue forces me to do calulus so yayyyyy…

My project went fairly well as I got a decent mark, my angles and side lengths were correct. Now I hope I did not bore you with math,eh.

WWI Soldiers, Eh

If you have read other posts you should know that I have a post that I made not too long ago about how the First World War started. Naturally when you learn about how something starts you most likely will learn about what happened during it.  We learned about how technology changed so much during WWI. Like one thing that was new for warfare with foot soldiers was gas, the Germans used it quite a lot and it was very effective. Another new technology on land were tanks as they were basically giant metal boxes that killed people at the time, they have become much more effective now but back then they still played a major part in the war. In the ocean german U-boats hugely effected the war as they killed many people who were on war ships and just people who were on supply ships. In the air plane warfare changed hugely as planes were mainly used at the beginning of the war for scouting the enemy lines. Planes ended up developing to the point where they had small machine guns attached to them so they could have dog fights and drop bombs as well.

We then talked about the battles in the First World War like, The Somme, Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele. We mainly focused on the Canadian aspect of it. We learned the basics of each war and how greatly it impacted each country and the contribution each battle had to the war. In all of these wars many people died on both sides of the war. One battle that was huge for Canadians is Vimy Ridge. We focused on that quite a bit as it is a huge part of Canadas identity. At Vimy Ridge all other forces attacked before the Canadians and were basically wiped out. It was finally Canadas turn to attack and it was their first time fighting together with all 4 divisons. After it was over the Canadians had over come the Germans and taken the ridge. Canadians are known has heroes for that battle and their is a big memorial at vimy ridge today of all the Canadians that lost there lives in that battle.

We then focused on what life on the home front was like, so basically what life at home was like when people were off at war. Most of the time when you think of war you think of troops fighting, but there is another side of it which is the people haveing to fill in for those people who left their jobs behind. A lot of women took primarily male jobs, as primarily males left for the war. People even made victory gardens to make more food for troops. After the war was over women were expected to go back to their original jobs as otherwise the troops that survived.

The next thing in this unit that we learned about was the Halifax Explosion.  It is the biggest man made explosion before the Nuclear Bomb. It killed many people and one persons muscles on his arm were ripped clean off. It was a massive disaster as many people died who were in that port at the time.

While we learned about all of this we were working on the main project for this unit which is a podcast on a soldier. We had to pick a soldier that fought in the First World War, and find as much information on him as possible. I chose my Great Grandfather Charles Brudenal Johnston. He is from my fathers side so I asked my great aunt question about him to figure out as much information on him as possible. The most notable thing I found out is that he fought and survived in Vimy Ridge. We did two drafts, the first draft that I did was fairly good but of course needed improvement, and thats what I did for the second draft was improve everything I could possibly think of.


That is my first draft and here is my final draft.

That is what I learned about for my unit on WWI, I hope that I made it interesting in someway for you.

I learned a lot from this unit. Even if I already knew something we went into more depth on that subject. This was definitely a more interesting unit for me, as I find battles and wars very interesting to learn about. This is definitely a unit I won’t forget about.