SLC’s, But Now Their Called TPOL’s, Eh

If you have seen other blogposts of mine you should have seen the posts about SLC’s. Here’s a quick rundown of what they are, it’s called a Student Led Conference. It’s like a Parent Teacher Interview but the student is doing all of the talking. Now my teachers have decided to call it a TPOL, which stands for Transitional Presentation of Learning. They changed it because it is the end of the year and we are transitioning to the next grade. If you want to see an SLC blog post here it is


SLC’s , Eh

For the TPOL you have to prepare quite a bit, so I will tell you how I did that. We had to thin of a few things to talk about. I chose to talk about the goals that I have for myself next year, Did my work meet my standards this year? And now last but not least what I have learned about myself this year. I have mainly focused this presentation on talking about how I need to better myself for next year. For the TPOL I would have to talk about each of those things.

I would start with, did my work meet my standards? The first thing I would say is no. It is as simple as that. I know that this year I could have done better, the work they did this year was not my best. My full capability was not shown in my work this year. I mainly believe that when I think of my video creating using explain everything and iMovie. I thought that the main thing wrong with that is that my voice audio was not good enough. In general though my work just lacked it’s full potential. Here is a post with a video in it.

Frankenstuffies, Eh

Now onto the next thing I would talk about, which is, what have I learned about myself this year? I have learned that I can’t take my foot off the pedal for a moment. I did that at the beginning of this year and my marks dropped. I know that I am able to handle it and stay a float, but I don’t want to just stay afloat, I want to do great things with my work and have it look like I am having no problem whatsoever and not look like I am struggling.

Now finally last but not least my goals for next year. I chose my goals to be at the end because it envolves the last two topics. My first main goal is to be more organized. This year I have not especially when it comes to physical things like paper. My binder was very messy and definitely needs improvement, next year I am going to put more effort into keeping my binder neat and tidy. I was also not very organized with what major events were coming up, and I wasn’t quite sure what dates were which and that didn’t turn out well for me so I have decided to make an effort in that category for next year as well. My next relates to my first paragraph on, am I satisfied with the work I have done this year. You now that I am not, so I would like to improve for next year and make sure that I am proud of all my work as much as possible, whether its projects or just plain assignments. Now my final goal for next year, I also told you about what I have learned about myself this year, this goal relates directly to that. I would like to not take my foot off of the gas pedal next year because it showed in my grades this year on how much damage it can do. I was not impressed with it nor was anyone else who knew my potential.

That would be everything that I would talk about, so I would wrap it up and give a brief summary and then ask if there were any questions. That is basically everything that happens in a TPOL because after I say everything I need to it basically turns into a conversation about my grade, my expectations for next year and anything else that somebody wants to bring up that relates to this. Oh I forgot to tell you one of the main details about TPOL’s/SLC’s, they are very very very very very, stressful eh.

SLC’s , Eh

It is now time for SLC’s again which is not the most exciting thing in the world. If you don’t know what it stands for it is Student Led Conferences, they are basically another version of Parent Teacher Interviews or PTI’s. They are very stressful and you have to prepare a lot for them. This is what I am going to say to my teachers.

I had to talk about 3 things what I am most proud of, which was my project, Blue Sky Project, which I have already written about on my blog so if you want you can go check that out.

Big Exibition, Eh

The next thing I talked about is an example of my learning, which was my florida trip, which I have also written in a blog post.

Lots of Field Schools, Eh

The next thing I talked about was something that showed a growth mindset, for this year what showed a growth mindset was something from DI which I also showed another post, and the reason for that is because we werent very prepared for regionals but we still managed to pull it together with the big time crunch we had.

Regionals, Eh

I then had to talk about 3 goals that I was going to have here they are. My first goal is for me to improve my essay writing because I have found that I didn’t prepare enough and it showed in the essay. Also another way for me to improve my essay writing is pay more attention to Mr.Featherstone’s rubric. My second goal is stop procrastinating so much.The way I am going to stop is by once I get assigned something I am going to start working on it. My third goal is to continue with my goal that I made at the beginning of this year, which is give more ideas in group projects and contribute more. Which I will do by being more engaged in brainstorming.

I know Ill be there, eh.


SLC Numero Deux

Another SLC if you don’t know what that is go read my other SLC post. So for school we have to do another  SLC which I do not want to do, and apparently we are lucky that we don’t have to do trois, see what I did there. Anyways I have to do another SLC and this is what I am going to do for it.


First I will greet my teacher and my parents and thank them for coming to the SLC (not that they had much of a choice).  I will be talking about  what I am most proud of this year, what I am least proud of this year, and what has shown growth for me through the year. I would prefer you to leave questions to the end of the conference.

For what I am most proud of I have chosen my Blue Sky project because at first I had cool idea but it didn’t really solve much, but then once I got rolling with plastic bag compactor it started to get pretty good. The main thing that made me proud is the amount of parents that wanted it and how helpful it would have been in their own lives.



I am least proud of my last month or so in general and all of the assignments. I just felt that I wan’t very focused my assignments didn’t have my full attention and they could have been improved a decent amount even though I am most proud of my my Blue Sky which kind of took place this last month I felt that it could have been improved as well if I was more organized which I should have been. That basically means all of my other assignments in this last month should have been better.


Last but not least what shows growth for me this year.

I felt that my blog posts have shown growth this year, which is the same as my last SLC but I still feel that it shows my growth the best for this year. The reason why it shows growth is because I went 250 words per blog post to 400 to 500 words a blog post. That shows that I am taking more time and care into my blog posts and I am going into more depth.


I would also like to talk about what I am going to do to be better for next year. Which is I am going to be more organized for school by making list to remind myself about assignments so I can tick them off as I go. I am hoping that this will make a difference and improve my overall work.


Thank you for listening to me for this conference

You now may ask questions.

Then I am done.

My SLC, Not Yours

If you don’t know what an SLC is it is a Student Led Conference which replaces a Parent Teacher Interview. Our class has to make a script with 3 topics, these are them Work Most Proud of, Work that shows Growth, and Evidence of a growth mindset.

This is what I’m going to do.

My work that I am most proud of was My Star Wars project just because it showed that not all experiments are succesful. Mine was not succesful which was a success for me just because I learned something new and in my opinion that is a success.


My work that shows growth are my blog posts. I chose my Blog posts because they have gotten longer, they went from around 250 words a post to about 400 or 500 words a post on average . That shows that I am becoming a stronger writer and I have more to say, thinking more broadly, and I am going into more detail, and me becoming a stronger writer shows my growth.

Last but not least, evidence of a growth mindset. My evidence takes place at the DI tournament and we found out that our instruments weight was off by a long shot, but we didn’t give up we kept going we tried to cut down as much wait as possible, we put a whole in it, that wasn’t enough, we only had a couple minutes left to sign in but we kept going, so we cut it so much that it snapped in half, it was finally enough. We signed in and did our presentation, the only problem was that we couldn’t get the instrument to balance the wood on top of to hold the weight, Alex kept going he didn’t stop trying because he wanted complete this challenge like the rest of us. In the end he couldn’t balance it which wasn’t very good but it showed that we never stopped, we kept moving forward. It made me think of the speech in the latest Rocky(Not Creed, Rocky)


“The world ain’t all. Sunshine and rainbows.
Its a very mean and nasty place,
and I don’t care how tough you are,
it will beat you to your knees
and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain’t about how hard you hit,
it’s about how hard you can get hit
and keep moving forward.
How much you can take and keep moving forward.
That’s how winning is done!
-Rocky Balboa

Here’s the Video