My Final TPOL

It is that time of year again for us to do TPOL’s once again. I dread these meetings I have to stand up in front of my parents and teachers and talk about what I have done this past year, that includes the things that I have done well in and the things that I need to improve. At least I can say this is my last TPOL at the end of grade 12 there is an FPOL which I think is a very fitting name. This TPOL will not be focusing on my outstanding work, it will generally be focusing on the lack of outstanding work as this year has been a bit rough.

I feel as if I have a let down my teachers my parents and myself. This year was most definitely not my year. Everybody who wants me to do better keeps hearing me promise that I will get better, and it never really has. I was told at my last POL that the third term was my last real shot at proving anything, and I more or less blew it. I still think that I can do better and I think I have found how, I just need to prove it.

This past year has been rough. I have faced a lot of adversity and I think that I have powered through it. I believe that I got better throughout the year as I believe my first term took a deep dive into lower quality. The second term I put more work in but it still wasn’t enough. I think that My second term was better than my first, as I do believe that my work was improved. I knew that I didn’t have a second chance and I knew that this last term really mattered but I still couldn’t really pull it all together. Looking back on it it was a train wreck. Over these past couple weeks while I have been fighting to catch up I have realized what I have to do to be more efficient. I now know that I have to hand things in and revise after. That way at least I have something done opposed to redoing the same assignment and making it look like I have nothing. 

One thing that I believe I need to focus on is: Am I ready for PLP next year?Personally I think I am very ready even though it is hard to trust me after this last year of broken promises of me improving. I think that I can improve on everything that I have done. I know what I have to do, and I know what I have to stop doing. This is a turning point in my life and I know that grade 12 is going to be a great year for me, and that is including my grades and who I am as a person.

Even though this year was rough doesn’t mean I didn’t succeed at all. The first example of that is the Manhattan project that I did at the beginning of the year. I think that was one of the best projects that I have ever done as my groups video turned out very well. One of the best projects that I did all year was my final project that I did for the year end exhibition. I think that is one of the best projects that I have shown at an Exhibition in all of the years that I have been in PLP. With all of my ups and downs this past year, I am happy as it is over as I think I need to reset before next year. 



SLC’s, But Now Their Called TPOL’s, Eh

If you have seen other blogposts of mine you should have seen the posts about SLC’s. Here’s a quick rundown of what they are, it’s called a Student Led Conference. It’s like a Parent Teacher Interview but the student is doing all of the talking. Now my teachers have decided to call it a TPOL, which stands for Transitional Presentation of Learning. They changed it because it is the end of the year and we are transitioning to the next grade. If you want to see an SLC blog post here it is


SLC’s , Eh

For the TPOL you have to prepare quite a bit, so I will tell you how I did that. We had to thin of a few things to talk about. I chose to talk about the goals that I have for myself next year, Did my work meet my standards this year? And now last but not least what I have learned about myself this year. I have mainly focused this presentation on talking about how I need to better myself for next year. For the TPOL I would have to talk about each of those things.

I would start with, did my work meet my standards? The first thing I would say is no. It is as simple as that. I know that this year I could have done better, the work they did this year was not my best. My full capability was not shown in my work this year. I mainly believe that when I think of my video creating using explain everything and iMovie. I thought that the main thing wrong with that is that my voice audio was not good enough. In general though my work just lacked it’s full potential. Here is a post with a video in it.

Frankenstuffies, Eh

Now onto the next thing I would talk about, which is, what have I learned about myself this year? I have learned that I can’t take my foot off the pedal for a moment. I did that at the beginning of this year and my marks dropped. I know that I am able to handle it and stay a float, but I don’t want to just stay afloat, I want to do great things with my work and have it look like I am having no problem whatsoever and not look like I am struggling.

Now finally last but not least my goals for next year. I chose my goals to be at the end because it envolves the last two topics. My first main goal is to be more organized. This year I have not especially when it comes to physical things like paper. My binder was very messy and definitely needs improvement, next year I am going to put more effort into keeping my binder neat and tidy. I was also not very organized with what major events were coming up, and I wasn’t quite sure what dates were which and that didn’t turn out well for me so I have decided to make an effort in that category for next year as well. My next relates to my first paragraph on, am I satisfied with the work I have done this year. You now that I am not, so I would like to improve for next year and make sure that I am proud of all my work as much as possible, whether its projects or just plain assignments. Now my final goal for next year, I also told you about what I have learned about myself this year, this goal relates directly to that. I would like to not take my foot off of the gas pedal next year because it showed in my grades this year on how much damage it can do. I was not impressed with it nor was anyone else who knew my potential.

That would be everything that I would talk about, so I would wrap it up and give a brief summary and then ask if there were any questions. That is basically everything that happens in a TPOL because after I say everything I need to it basically turns into a conversation about my grade, my expectations for next year and anything else that somebody wants to bring up that relates to this. Oh I forgot to tell you one of the main details about TPOL’s/SLC’s, they are very very very very very, stressful eh.