Can we do better?

Hello, and welcome to my final blog post for our current project “Think You Can do Better”.

After 6 weeks and 3 milestones of work,  we have finally reached the end. Over the course of the project, we have learnt how a government works, the different types of government,  how governments are structured, and we put that all to work when creating our own party for Canada. Throughout the project, our goal was to be able to answer the driving question “How should we govern ourselves”.

But to start, we needed some background on all aspects of government. We started by learning about how democracy works, and why it affects the way we elect our prime minister. And although most of us knew what democracy was, this really helped us understand why it was so important to Canada. I felt this video showed why democracy was the best way to go.

We also learnt how Canada’s government was structured, and I was surprised on how many different parts and branches there were. Here is a textbook chapter that although on the longer side, gives you a good sense of why so many people are part of the decisions made in our country.

In Milestone 1, we watched and read about the Canadian election on September 20. We then created a reflection on what we thought about it and how it had to relate with the topics that we had learnt. By looking at this, we got a better understanding on how democracy works, and how the Canadian government was elected. Here is the link to my reflection. 

In Milestone 2, Statement of Intent, we started focusing on making our own party. In this milestone, we determined what kind of party we wanted to be. Whether we were right or left, progressive or conservative and what our main ideas and goals were. This helped us create the base for the party that we were creating.

And for our 3rd and final milestone, we put all our thoughts and ideas together, and made an official press release that went over everything we planned on doing. This was our official post on why we were the best party to vote for if there were to be another election. 

Now in this last part of the Project, although it wasn’t a milestone, it was our final showcase of everything we learnt. We made a video on our party similar to the official ones the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP parties did in this past election. I found this to be very fun, whether it was planning, filming or watching our classes videos. Here was our video:

Now to answer the driving question: I believe a democracy is the best way govern ourselves. I don’t think we would do well at all with no government but a democracy ensures that many views are represented. I think one thing we could change is how that government runs our society. Because I don’t think Canada is doing a great job right now.  I believe there should be more services offered and a more structured plan of equality for youth. I believe that all kids and teens should have access to affordable sports and free schooling. Youth shouldn’t have to suffer because of their parents income. They should be able to have a good life as well.

So that’s going to wrap up our project: Think you can do better, but I am excited for our next one where more blog posts will come. Bye

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