Loon lake

 Going to loon lake was such an amazing opportunity to learn more about each other all against the beautiful backdrop of the lake and the forest.

There were so many fun things to do such as archery, laser tag and shelter building, and all of these I got to do with my peers. It was such a fun chance to get to know people I didn’t assume I would become friends with!

Loon lake wasn’t all play though, it was also a great chance too work on DI and the other projects we had going on. It was especially good for our DI group because we were so behind on all our work! We finished writing our script and so we were also able to come up with ideas for our devices and hazards! And now, after completing DI, I can see it really was a crucial time for us and with out it we wouldn’t have been able to create our performance.

we also worked over the trip to create a book about the experience! Unfortunately I’m having trouble getting the link to work so the best I can do for now is have screen shots of each page.

Loon lake really was an amazing trip that had a mix of getting to know each other and finishing our work, and after living with everybody from our class for a couple days, it has made working together so much easier and more fun!!

Thanks for reading! See you next time

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