Hello and welcome to my tPOL blog post! Ok let’s do this again…
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
So I have three major subjects to write about: Science, Humanities and the Oregon trip.
Science: we had a bunch of different projects in science this year. I think that I’ll probably list just the most important projects.
Number one:
Small but mighty: In this project we studied mainly microbiology.
I think that my favorite part of this project was using the microscopes. I got to see a mini world and tons of cool stuff. At some point we looked at pond water and we saw some weird looking stuff.
But our main part of the project was studying and identifying bacteria and/or cells. For our second keystone we learned about different types of pathogens. We had to create characters for every type of pathogen that we learned about. We also had to create stories for each character.
For our third keystone we had to make posters that were talking about washing your hands and keeping up hygiene. The posters were specifically targeting elementary kids. I think that I did pretty decently on this one but the final product could have been better.
Mind over matter: This project we learned about the different states of matter and atoms.
For the first keystone we chose an object and calculated its mass and made some observations. We did some math which I haven’t done for awhile. Overall it was interesting to learn about the mass and the calculations for everything.
For the second keystone we studied gummy bear diffusion. Basically what we did was choose a gummy bear and then chose a liquid to put it in. After a day we studied the differences. For this project me and my friend Claire worked together. We decided to see if there was a difference on how quickly each color diffused. We chose the colors : red, yellow and green. We observed that it seemed like red diffused the fastest and grew the biggest. I think this was a very fun project and I thought it was a really fun project.
For the last keystone we coded a game on scratch. To be completely honest with you… I. Hate. Scratch. Oml it’s so confusing, I wasn’t here when the teacher explained it so I was quite confused. So to give you a run down, we had to make a game with something to do with what we learned. I made a maze game. Honestly I think that my game could have been more interesting. If we ever did a project like this I would definitely put much more effort into it. All things considered, all my tears were worth the final product. I’m just kidding, it was terrible but I still really enjoyed the concept!
(I dont have a link to my game anymore)
My review of science so far: to be honest science is my favorite subject so far. If you know me then you would know that I am a huge lover of everything alive, and in science I got to really talk about it! I think that science is going to be my favorite subject moving on, especially if we get to do some marine biology!
Humanities: again we had a ton of different projects but I’ll just list my favorites…again
Consequences of colonization: whooo ok, so as the name states this project is about the consequences of colonization. We mostly studied the First Nations but for some parts we also had to learn about the colonizers themselves.
For the first keystone we each got assigned a certainty member that played a role in colonization. I got assigned the filles du roi. I learned that they were a group of women that were sent to New France when it was first founded. They were sent there to help increase the population and make New France a bigger colony.
For the second keystone we had to do a paragraph outline about our group of people. In this project I had to re-do it a couple times but in the end I finished it up.
And for the final keystone we had to create a script for a video. We worked on our videos in a group. There was one person from each group in the video so we had a video compiled of everyone’s group of people.
The medium is the message: this is our most recent project. In this project we learnt a lot about advertising and mass media. I think that “the medium is the message” is our biggest project yet, and probably the longest.
For the first keystone we had to interview our parents about certain parts of advertising and what they think of it. It was cool to see how my parents’ perspectives were different about media.
For the second keystone we had to make a chart listing about different types of advertisements and how they present themselves in ads. We learnt stuff about Pathos, Ethos and Logos and other stuff like that. We had to choose a bunch of different types of ads, Ex: video ads or web ads. And we had to talk about who their target audience was and a bunch of other things.
For the last keystone we made ads for a business that we interviewed in Oregon. We had to incorporate their logo and the color that our business groups decided on. We got to learn a lot about our business and America itself.
My review of Humanities: Humanities is that I really learned a lot this year and I’m excited to learn more next year
Now this brings us to our next subject:
The Oregon trip
Ok so finally we’ve reached the Oregon trip… I won’t talk a huge amount about it because I know I’ll be talking forever but I’ll highlight the parts that I learnt the most about. We learnt a lot about a place called fort stevens. We learnt about it’s history and the attacks against it
We also learned about Louis and Clark and the general history of Oregon.
The main reason why we went to Oregon was to talk to our businesses. My business group worked with a place called Wolf Haven and it’s a wolf sanctuary.
Learning plan: I think I almost did what I wanted to complete.
Thanks for reading ]