“Mountains surround me. I havent seen or heard from anyone for twenty minutes and I’m starting to get cold. I don’t know I’ll make it out alive.” -Evelyn Ogden, September 21, 10:13 AM. PLP FIELD STUDY.

So recently we went on a field study to the Rockies (if you haven’t seen yet from the PLP instagram posts) and in the maker section of the trip we learned about the moving image. We created four different videos but one wasnt made on the trip. The videos consisted of: the investigative video, silent video, TikTok style video and the at home video.


When we were in Alberta we actually had to conduct interviews with random people in the public! Before we left we created a thesis and we had to base our interview questions off of it. We visited many different locations and hikes so we had a lot of opportunities to conduct the interviews.

I got to do about five interviews but I wasn’t able to use one of them because I didn’t ask the right questions. But the information isn’t the point of the maker part of this video, it’s how we made it and we could tell a story with it. In my video I have myself introducing myself and the different places I did the interviews in. I also gave a quick explanation of the project and our goals for it. I tried to follow a storyline of a detective trying to answer the driving question and looking for evidence in my interview videos. I thought of this idea through the title. I explained the work we were doing in the video.

I ended my video with answering my thesis and closing the “case”

Investigative video


The silent video was a video that we filmed at three valley gap and I worked with Monica, Alva and Meghan. We had to create a video that would be in total silence. We had to be really expressive with our actions so it would send a clear message.

My group decided to put the video into a black and white so it would look a little more old fashioned and kinda look like a real silent movie. We added old fashioned music so also set the mood and the emotions that our audience would feel.
This story follows two friends and one day one of the friends forgot a pencil so the other one gave the pencil to the friend but they forgot to give it back. The friend is very mad and is plotting revenge to get the pencil back. The evil friend leads the other friend onto the train and then pushes her off! The evil friend grabs the pencil from the beginning and skips away. At the end it’s revealed that the friend that supposedly died was actually alive.

Silent video

I learned a lot about film making and using different camera angles to express emotions. And I also learned about over exaggerating my emotions!


The TikTok style video is basically just a short video that had to show a TikTok trend and it had to show something about our trip.

I made two actually! The first one was a transition video and it was of me and Melissa doing a TikTok trend where you step to the side and then the location changes.

It was kinda hard to make since sometimes we didn’t have our phones so there wasn’t too much material to go off of. It was still super fun to do!


The second video was more of a joke video. I was scrolling through my camera roll and I realized that people sat in some REALLY weird places so I thought it would be funny to make a video collage of the photos!

It wasn’t that hard to make but it was still fun to make


I learned a lot about how to edit and do transitions. I think this was my favorite video to make so this was pretty awesome!


Our last video that we had to do was our at home video. We had to create a video about what inspires us. We had to answer a couple different questions through the video like; what do you daydream about?

I learned about doing voiceovers and photo montages.

There isn’t really much to talk about this since it didn’t relate that much to ou driving question but it was still pretty fun to do!

At home video

Thank you so much for reading and at the end I’ll put a couple photos from the trip!

Bye <3

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