Hello “Teacher”, this is my dad Robert. And this is “teacher”
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
So as you know by now this is my presentation of learning and I will be talking about my goals for the transition to grade 10. This year we were given a driving question: “how can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP success behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?”
So to show you the proof of my learning I’ll talk a bit about our past two projects and talk about some of our success behaviours this year.
In The Name of Nationalism
In the name of nationalism was a project focused on creating an informational video based on the ideas of nationalism from certain countries in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Me and four other people were assigned Czech. Part of my family is from Czech and it’s also one of the languages that I speak. So this project was a bit more personal to me since my ancestors went through these experiences.
We began with watching some informational videos about nationalism, it also gave us an idea of what we wanted to do for our final video. I got inspiration from a couple and I noted that talking slow made it easier for me to understand a video, so I wanted to do that in mine. We got with our groups and discussed about what we learned. I found out about some really interesting details about how Czech nationalism was sparked, and that it was a part of the Austrian Hungarian empire. Once we gathered a lot of research, we began to work on our videos.
I decided to make mine in a thing called puppet pals. It really helps me visualize and create my story without having to do a lot of editing. I wrote my script with the information that I gathered in mind and making trying to make it easy to understand. Overall, I think I did a pretty good job my video, surprisingly enough my video has massed a lot of views and a couple comments. It seems that people enjoyed learning about Czech nationalism as much as I did. I thought it was really interesting to get to see on how people lived back in those days and the struggles they had.
One thing I’d like to improve on with this project is that I didn’t put that much effort into the editing of my video and making it look more visually interesting I didn’t put very much effort into adding photos and videos. I think my script was quite well developed though and easy to understand. I did have some timeline issues and some of my information was not completely correct so doing a more thorough check through of my script. Next time I make a video that would be something I’d want to do.
WWI Comics
I think that the World War I comics were what is my favourite project we’ve ever done. We were tasked with creating a comic based off of an event in World War I. I was given the second battle of Ypres. At first, we did some research and then set off to start storyboarding it. It took me about half a week to make my story board and I ended up with 60 panels. Unfortunately, the minimum was 20 panels and most people were doing about 30 so I had 30 extra in my final draft ended up having about 46 panels so I had to cut out a lot of information. We handed in our storyboards and gone over them, then we began drawing. I have a decent, artistic ability, so it took me a lot longer to do my drawings. I ended up working day and night on these drawings. Here’s a screenshot of the calculations of how many hours I spent just on the drawings, not including writing it.
Yeah, that’s a lot of time but I think the reason why it was easier for me to put in this much effort is because I really enjoyed the project. I loved seeing the final copy in my hands, and actually being very proud of it. This project definitely taught me about staying really committed to something that I enjoy. I don’t think I’ve ever put this much effort into a project. I’ve always been interested in world war one topics and my dad has taught me a lot about it so I already had some prior knowledge to add but I learned a lot as well. I’m still so incredibly proud of my final product and It’s something I genuinely enjoy reading.
I do wish that I could’ve gone over it more before I submitted it to correct some grammatical errors, but I was also in a bit of a time crunch when I was writing the text so there wouldn’t be that much that I could’ve changed last minute. I think it would’ve made the story a lot more easier to understand if I had written in a bit more clearer.
This was actually the project that we used for the exhibition. We created a comic con based off of our comics. We were seated at a table with people from our fellow battle or topic. This year we didn’t have very much time to decorate so our area was it quite a bit more bland than the others. I still think that as a group we did a pretty good job putting everything together last minute. It was so cool seeing everybody’s comics out on display and being able to see all the hard work that was put into them.
I’ve always struggled a bit with keeping on task and putting a lot of effort into my work and this project really boosted my confidence in myself and my work habits showing that if I want to. I really can focus and provide good work. It shows that I can have dedication to my work and my school. Sometimes I choose hanging out with friends or doing other stuff than homwork but this project I pushed aside all that and made sure that I got this done and that this was my first priority.
Success Behaviours
We were given a list of success behaviors, and told to check off inboxes on what level we felt we were achieving. There were three boxes: consistent, sometimes and rarely. We have to talk about at least three in our post. I decided that I would like to talk about three different levels that I achieved. One from consistent one from sometimes and one that was in rarely.
I think that I consistently achieved keeping integrity. Every time I come to a project I try to make it the most original like him and personalize to myself. I try to never use AI for any of my projects because I like the creativity that I can put into it. I also often check the integrity of my group and making sure each member can contribute creatively and fairly. When I write informational paragraphs, I hardly ever copy and paste stuff from websites. I always try to personalize it to myself, and never cheat. It’s always important for me to be honest in my work and especially in this post. I don’t want to ever lie about my work, and make me seem better than I am. It’s an important quality to have when, making a TPOL or an MPOL so you can give an accurate representation of your learning.
For me, balance was in my sometimes section. I previously talked about how sometimes I have difficulty balancing my social life and my school life. Often with projects I put my friends over my work which means I don’t get as much done.
But lately, I’ve been trying to make changes in my work habits, like making sure that I’ve gotten all my work done before going out with friends, or at least most of the time. With the recent comic project I pushed aside, hanging out with friends to work and finish this project. And I ended up getting done and getting a result. I was proud of. Now that I know I can do it. It’s really boosted my confidence in my ability to focus and get good results. I think I have a lot to improve on in this section, but that I’m also showing, my dedication and improvements.
Unfortunately, I have little skills in preparation outside of school, so I’d say that my outside school preparation is the success behaviour that I choose for this section. We are often encouraged to use things or other apps like it. But I never feel like I open the app often and really use it to its fullest potential. I’ve said in my past POLs but that would be something I’d like to work on but to be fully honest I don’t think I’ve improved that much.
For me, it’s a system that doesn’t work as well because I often don’t end up checking it or checking off reminders. In the next year when we have a bigger workload and more task to do, I really want to use my time wisely on my iPad and creating more reminders for myself. I think that it might help me to staying on task better at home and at school and not handing in assignments late.
Throughout all of this TPOL, I’ve been able to reflect on my learning throughout the year what I need to improve on and what I’m proud of. Grade 9 was both a challenging, but interesting year academically for me. And I’m excited to use all the skills I’ve learned in the upcoming school year. Thank you for listening.