My 2024 Transitional Presentation of Learning 🥳🎉

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

In this T-POL I will answer the driving question “How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviors have prepared you to advance to the next grade?” I will share examples of how I have demonstrated the PLP Success Behaviors throughout the school year. I will provide evidence of how I have been engaged, responsible, and accepting feedback in my learning. I will showcase projects, assignments, and assessments that highlight my growth and achievement. I will also reflect on areas where I can improve and set goals for the future. By showcasing my evidence and reflecting on my learning journey, I will demonstrate that the PLP Success Behaviors have prepared me to advance to the next grade. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as a learner.🤩🤓

First, one of the projects I was very engaged in was Destination Imagination. Destination Imagination (D.I.) was very helpful and improved my focus and engagement skills because we had to be very engaged with every task we did. When we were put into groups, each member had an important task in the project. It became clear that when some teams had missing members, they seemed to be struggling a little. This showed that every member being engaged was a key element for this project. Through D.I., I learned the importance of collaboration and how my active participation could influence the overall success of our group. For example, during our problem-solving activities, I had to communicate effectively and ensure that I was contributing my part to meet our deadlines. This experience has taught me that being engaged means not only focusing on my tasks but also being aware of how my contributions impact the team. Working on this project allowed me to practice my problem-solving skills in real-time. We often encountered unexpected challenges, and staying engaged meant being adaptable and thinking creatively to find solutions

Cutting wood!

(Read more here)

Reflecting on the Destination Imagination Tournament

Second, a project that showcased my responsibility was the spring exhibition. This project highlighted my responsibility because I had to be accountable in my role as a team member. Each team member was responsible for their own part in making the ads, snacks, and other elements for the exhibition. I demonstrated my responsibility in several ways. For instance, I baked cookies, made friendship bracelets to give out, and created the video ads for our presentation. Baking cookies required me to manage my time effectively, and ensure that the cookies were ready on time. Making friendship bracelets involved attention to detail and dedicate time to producing a quality product. Creating the video ads required me to plan, and edit content, ensuring that it effectively communicated our message. Through this project, I learned that being responsible means being reliable and following through on commitments. My contributions were essential to the success of the exhibition, and I took pride in ensuring that my tasks were completed to the best of my ability. This experience reinforced the importance of taking ownership of my responsibilities and the impact it can have on the overall success of a team project. Overall, the spring exhibition project was a significant opportunity for me to demonstrate my responsibility. It taught me the value of accountability and reliability, both of which are crucial for my advancement to the next grade.

(Read more here)

The Spring Exhibition: An adventure of knowledge

Third, I have demonstrated my ability to accept feedback, both positive and negative, through the Two Stars and a Wish method used by my classmates. This method involves receiving two positive comments (stars) and one area for improvement (wish) about my work. By consistently participating in this feedback process, I have learned to embrace constructive criticism and use it to enhance my learning. For example, during our group projects and individual assignments, I would receive feedback from my peers highlighting what I did well and suggesting areas for improvement. One time, a classmate praised my creativity in a presentation (a star) and my thorough research (another star), but also suggested that I work on my public speaking skills (the wish). Instead of feeling discouraged by the wish, I viewed it as an opportunity for growth and actively worked on improving my presentation delivery in future projects.

In conclusion, throughout this T-POL, I have demonstrated that the PLP Success Behaviors have prepared me to advance to the next grade. By showcasing my engagement in the Destination Imagination project, my responsibility during the spring exhibition, and my ability to accept and act on feedback through the “Two Stars and a Wish” method, I have provided clear evidence of my growth and achievement. These experiences have not only highlighted my strengths but also helped me identify areas for improvement. I am committed to continuing my development as a responsible, engaged, and reflective learner. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as I advance to the next grade.

the next grade. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as a learner. 😎🥸

Reflecting on the Destination Imagination Tournament

The Destination Imagination tournament was more than just an event; it was an exhilarating journey that tested our creativity, teamwork, and quick thinking. As part of a diverse team, I dived into instant challenges, and a fun challenge to solve.

My challenge was the fine arts challenge and in it we were tasked with creating a story featuring two characters; one kinetic and one static, and two art pieces; one dynamic and one static. The intricacies of our solution were a testament to our team’s dedication and ingenuity. While I can’t explain the specifics just yet, I eagerly anticipate sharing our journey and solution in my next DI blog post, complete with videos and insights into our creative process so for now please enjoy some photos of us making some props and some photos of behind the scenes.

The tournament itself was a whirlwind of excitement and learning. Stepping into the arena, surrounded by like-minded individuals fuelled by passion and innovation, was both humbling and inspiring. As we tackled each challenge, we found ourselves pushing the boundaries of our creativity, finding new ways to collaborate, and embracing the thrill of the unknown.

Working alongside my team was an invaluable experience. From brainstorming sessions to late-night rehearsals, every moment was filled with camaraderie and shared enthusiasm. Each member brought their unique strengths to the table, enriching our solution with diverse perspectives and talents. Everyone did so great and I hope you see there blogs (shoutout to my team members Julia, Robin, Sam, Carmyn, and Ian)

But beyond the thrill of competition, the tournament offered something even more profound, a sense of personal growth and empowerment. Through the ups and downs, we discovered the power of resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. We learned to trust in our abilities, to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, and to celebrate each small victory along the way.

As I reflect on our journey through the Destination Imagination tournament, I’m filled with gratitude—for the friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the memories created. It’s not just about the challenges we faced or the solutions we crafted; it’s about the transformative power of creativity, teamwork, and unwavering determination.

So, as we eagerly await the next tournament, I invite you to join me on this extraordinary adventure. Together, let’s continue to push the boundaries of innovation, to defy expectations, and to unleash the full potential of our imagination. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. Here’s to the next chapter in our Destination Imagination journey filled with endless possibilities and boundless creativity.

Crafting Digital Masterpieces in Maker

In our maker class, we started a vibrant project of artistic expression, exploring digital art through four captivating projects. Each project not only honed our creative skills but also revealed the endless possibilities that digital art offers.

Lunar Word Art

For the Word Art drawing, I dove into the world of creativity, transforming the simple word lunar into a fun eye-catching masterpiece. This project allowed me to play with typography, color palettes, and design elements, turning a word into a work of art.

Shape-Shaded Robot:

The Shape Robot project challenged us to construct a robot using 2D shapes and master the art of shading. This endeavour not only tested our artistic ability but also enhanced our understanding of light and shadow, breathing life into our 2D mechanical creations.

Side-Eye Emoji:

Creating a personalized emoji, I captured a moment of subtle expression with a side-eye. This artwork dived into the struggles of conveying emotion through digital art, sharpening our skills in detailing facial features and capturing the essence of an emotion within a tiny canvas.

Sweetie-Os Cereal Logo:

Creating a logo invited us to design a logo for a fictional brand, I chose to make cereal blending sharks and pastel rainbow cereal into a whimsical and eye-catching visual identity. This venture merged graphic design illustrating the power of visual elements in a creative and artistic way.

Skills Acquired and Utilized:

Throughout these projects, we not only unleashed our creativity but also acquired valuable skills. Typography, colour theory, shading, and graphic design principles became our tools of expression. The digital canvas allowed us to experiment fearlessly, honing our ability to translate ideas into visually compelling artworks.


Our maker class digital art projects were more than just assignments; they were passports to a world where imagination knows no bounds. As we navigated through words, shapes, emojis, and logos, we discovered the diverse facets of digital artistry. These projects not only shaped our technical skills but also empowered us to communicate our ideas, emotions, and concepts through the powerful medium of digital art. In the end, our creations stand as a testament to the boundless creativity that flourishes when art and technology intertwine.

Unveiling My Learning Journey: My Maker Odyssey 👏🙌

Introduction 🫢

During the beginning of the school year, I embarked on a captivating journey in the realm of creativity and innovation through our school’s maker space. Filled with curiosity and determination, I dived into a series of projects with a profound guiding question: How might I present myself, as a learner, to the world? This question became the cornerstone of my exploration, leading me through a maze of self-discovery and skill development. In this blog post, I will share my experiences, challenges, and revelations as I navigated this transformative odyssey.

Activities I did 🤓

As I immersed myself in the maker space, I began crafting various projects that reflected my identity and learning journey. One of the significant endeavors was a keynote presentation about me and my digital skills. Creating this presentation allowed me to introspect deeply, pondering over my strengths, passions, and areas for growth. I meticulously curated my achievements, showcasing my proficiency in digital tools while acknowledging my evolving skills.


(Check out my YouTube channel for more projects and other related content.)

Simultaneously, I ventured into creating my user manual – a unique activity that I am proud of and hooked me from the start. I was proud of it because, designing a manual that described my learning preferences, communication style, and collaborative approach forced me to confront my learning habits. This activity not only illuminated my personal learning methods but also empowered me to embrace my learning quirks. Acknowledging these nuances enabled me to communicate effectively with peers and educators, fostering a more conducive learning environment.


My About Me/ User Guide

Other Things I Made:

Throughout these projects, I encountered challenges that tested my resilience and problem-solving skills. Technical hiccups, creative blocks, and the fear of vulnerability threatened to stop my progress. However, with each setback, I persevered, learning valuable lessons in adaptability and perseverance. Collaborative brainstorming sessions with classmates and mentor guidance provided fresh perspectives, fueling my determination to overcome obstacles.


Conclusion 😊

As I reflect on my maker journey, I realize that the answer to the driving question lies not in a single project or presentation but in the all experience of self-reflection and growth. Through my work in the maker class, I have learned that presenting myself to the world is not about perfection but authenticity. Embracing my strengths and vulnerabilities, I have gained confidence in my abilities as a learner.

Horror! And Why it’s Great

Hi and welcome to my first post about whatever I want! My teacher told me to blog about a topic I loved, so I chose to write about horror movies. Why? I love HORROR! I have an obsession with horror films and I love horror so much

My Favos 🫶(Adventure time reference🤓)

Here are my favorite horror medias so far: the Saw franchise, the Scream franchise, the fear street trilogy, Shining, Halloween, The Ring, Friday the 13th, and American Horror Story (not American horror stories, they are completely different and American horror stories is a spinoff). I love these movies/shows a lot and I highly recommend all of them, you can watch a lot of them on Netflix or Disney+, if you can’t find it in these streaming platforms you can probably find it on other sites and watch them there.

Recommendations 😍

Horror movies are great and you may not like scary things but here are somethings I watched that got me hooked on horror. I recommend starting off with the Fear street trilogy, it’s a Netflix movie series (also one of the only good things Netflix has made 😒) and it’s easy to watch, it may have a some gore but it’s still on the mild side of gore and you can’t see them. Another movie for hardcore gore fans is the Saw franchise it is very popular and has about ten movies (you can skip a couple of them but try to watch the first, third, and sixth movie) it’s very bloody so if you don’t like bloody things don’t watch it or it will scare you badly.

Summary 🤗

Here are short summarys of the movies (probably without spoilers). In Fear Street, there are two towns, one is called Shadyside and the other is called Sunnyvale (very creative names) Shadyside has a curse where every couple of decades a person goes crazy and kills a bunch of people before they are taken down or disappear, it is now the year 1994 a group of teens have gotten themselves into some trouble. Will they end the curse and escape? Watch fear street 1994 and the next two sequels to find out. Recommend for 13+ (Not much gore in this one almost anyone can handle it).


A short summary of Saw, The franchise is about a killer who punishes people who isn’t grateful for the life they have. The killer punishes people by putting them in elaborate traps that would kill the victims if they don’t escape in time. Each trap is designed specifically for the person that the killer has kidnapped, there are traps like the reverse bear trap (in Saw 1), the angel trap(Saw 3), the Bathroom trap (Saw 1), The brain surgery trap (saw 10), and much more. Once the killer sees them escape their traps the killer deems them grateful for life and lets them go free. Will the victims survive or will they fail? Watch The Saw franchise to find out. Recommend for 14+ (If you can handle a lot of gore).



That was my blog on Horror and why it’s great. Horror is amazing and I love it so much so I’m glad that I get to write a blog about something I love.😊